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   About Me

psychological captive

Although I've been called many, many things in life, on the internet I am known as DarkMum. For a long time, now, I've wanted to have a website where I could write what I wanted ... about the subjects I cared about. I do not consider myself a Rudolph Valentino expert ... perhaps a very educated fan of Rudy's .., but I had a number of great years writing about the man and his life. Because I actually AM Natacha Rambova's blood cousin (Rudy's second wife) I will be posting once in a while about both Natacha & Rudy. My unique blog ... Darkmum's Musings ... attached to this website may have an entry once in a while about Rudy ... Lover of Lovers. So, at this time, I'm going by the title of 'DarkMum Dearest.' I can think of no better way I'd like to be known.

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