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A reminder ...

I know I just sent out a gameplan early in November for some changes to look for in 2024, but I've actually thought of a few more. I'm not ready to announce those just yet, but I did want to send out this little reminder for all my current subscribers and members. This bit was covered in the blog post titled 'Looking forward to 2024.' I sent this out first on September 21, 2023 ... no one commented. I then sent it out again on November 4, 2023 ... still no comments.

So, I'm sending it out again today. Just to make sure everyone has a chance to see it in November. I'll send it out again once in December of 2023, and then, early in January of 2024 I'll be making the Member's Areas and applying the restriction that you will have to 'Login' before you can view my blog.

After the first of January, 2024, all subscribers will automatically be made members. I can do that, myself, so there will be nothing you need to do except read the instructions I shall post regarding the new Members Areas. There will be no more subscribers. New applications will automatically be made members and assigned a Members Area and given the same instructions.

This will not change anything for most of you, but it will stop the 'hit & run' views I get right now, who lists themselves as 'visitor ##' ... in other words, those who just want to stop by and snoop with no real interest in joining my little group. I have discovered that hese are mostly 'Artificial Intelligence' views, and I don't like them. If you have been reading my blog posts, you can see I am not real crazy about AI, at all.

AI can't understand to even put a 'like' on a post, let alone comment unless someone tells it what to say. I know who reads which post, and therefore I know when AI is in there 'reading' them, and it is ALL for their pop-up ads and spam the owners then send to my email. Sadly, much of this is coming from Google, Facebook (now called Meta) the very people who run the Analytics for Wix and most of the rest of the internet. I have to use a certain amount of AI to even be ON the internet, but I don't have to be a total slave to it.

Now that AI has taken off with a more rudimentary understanding, the people using it have seen AI as another way to be incredibly lazy,, this is the best I can do to protect myself until the next big wave of AI hits, when blogs could become obsolete.

I'll send out another reminder about this upcoming Members Benefit during December along with the instructions on how to use the new Members' Areas I shall be installing after the first of January, 2024. I'm hoping this will give my readers more freedom to comment, even if it is a private comment to me within that area. There will be a way to comment privately and also to each other, as well as commenting directly on the blog post, just as always.

I'd like to add just one more thing, here ... I'm still looking for an art deco blog contributer. I really loved the beautiful art deco blog posts I used to have on my old group and I surely hope someone will step up again and do that for 'Darkmum's Musings.' Rudolph Valentino & Natacha Rambova were the King & Queen of the 1920s Art Deco ... it should be recognized and I think it adds a classy touch to the blog posts.


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