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Happy Mother's Day!

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I was lucky in that I had four mothers in my lifetime who loved me differently, yet somehow in the same ways. They were all there at different times when I needed them the most. Of course, the lady who adopted me was my true Mom. She was the one who sat up with me nights when I was sick. She was the one who made sure I got what I needed in life as I was growing up ... and a few things I didn't need, but wanted. She was the one who made sure I got piano lessons. She was Mom.

Betty Jane Martin Sturtevant (my adoptive mother ... my REAL Mom)

My biological mother, Martha Holcomb Simms, was related to Natacha Rambova, who was married to Rudolph Valentino, the silent film actor. Natacha, herself, had no children. Natacha and I are descended from the same ancestor, Priddy Meeks. We are cousins stemming from the same bloodline. Martha asked me once if I hated her. Of course not, I told her. You brought me into this world. I love her for that alone! It was then that she told me that my bio-father, Tom Simms (her husband) had beaten me while I was inside her, trying to kill me. He wanted Martha to get an abortion, but she refused. Although they eventually separated, Martha and Tom never legally divorced.

Martha Holcomb Simms (My biological mother. Although I spoke with her on the phone and through letters, I did not meet her in person before she died.)

Martha went on to give birth to two more children after she gave me up for adoption. Life works in strange and wondrous ways, though. ALL my biological siblings have expressed to me, at one time or another, that I was the lucky one to get away from what was an abusive household. My heart aches for all of them, living and deceased.

Martha during her last days in the hospital surrounded by my biological brothers and sisters: (L to R) Jimmy (deceased), Jackie (living), Tommy (deceased), Vicki (deceased) & Anita (living). It almost looks like there is a space saved just for me between Tommy and Anita!

Happy Mother's Day to all of my Moms.

My eternal love is with my Mom for raising me and always making sure I was OK. I love Martha for making sure I made it into this old world safely. I love the other Moms for the reasons they were put into my life and for what we gave each other. Because it seems they ALL always did their best, and that is all we can ask, isn't it?



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