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November 16, The Night Of Hecate

I do not normally celebrate Wiccan holidays, but this one I actually do recognize, as I feel Hovember is special to Hecate. All who worship her should recognize her days in November.


As the Dark Mother and Queen of the Underworld, Hecate presides over the dark womb from which all life comes and to which we all return. Entering her realm allows you the opportunity to better understand your own journey, find healing and let go of the shadowy parts of yourself in order to find rebirth.

We are nourished by Hecate. Our spiritual umbilical cord connects us to her in ways that defy mundane understanding. She is our Mother who sustains us along our journey. We are eternally hers, and each incarnation is part of the cycle of life and death. We walk her wheel, that serpent of life, the true cord, that creates and destroys. At the heart of the wheel is the Underworld, the womb. Like all children, we have our own lessons to learn.

Hecate is a good Mother, who lets us gain wisdom through experience. At times, we accumulate spiritual junk that doesn’t nourish us. Fortunately, Hecate awaits for us to give this to her. However, we can become accustomed to living off this sort of spiritual junk food so much so that we can’t consume the nourishment she offers through those keys of hers. Enter into her Underworld chamber to let your junk food habits, whether they are painful memories or dysfunctional relationships, go. This junk fuels our shadow self, while our truth goes malnourished. Once these things die, we can now dine on her medicine.

Days of Hecate are August 13 (my birthday) when She is honored and prayed to in order to not send fierce thunderstorms and ruin and the crops.  November 16 is the Night of Hecate which begins at sunset. 

This is the night of the Three-formed Goddess (but not the only night, she is always Three-formed): Hecate is part of the most ancient form of the Triple Moon goddess as Crone or Dark Moon.


This is also the night of Hecate’s supper at the Crossroads.  People who worship Hecate honor Her by preforming Sympathetic Magick and holding a supper at what they believed to be the Crossroads; The Crossroads can be metaphorical ... and even exist in your mind. For me, I cannot get out of the house to GO to a crossroads, these days, but I have a very good imagination and Hecate accepts all forms of worship. Were I a Pagan of old, I would be sacrificing animals to Hecate on this night at a crossroads.

November is Hecate’s month. There are actually two nights honoring her during November. 'The Night of Hecate of the Underworld' (November 16) and 'The Night of Hecate of the Crossroads' (November 29). The long nights provide her witches with much darkness in which we can work our magick and honor our queen. This is the time of the year for death walking, whether as a guide assisting the restless dead on their way or through exploring the parts of ourselves that long to be let go. This is an ideal time for dedicating oneself to Hecate or performing a self-initiation ritual as one of her witches, should you choose that path.

As an example of Necate's ability to help the dead on their way, I'll tell you what recently happened to me on October 31. Dallas and I had our usual altars, one for family and one for friends. Due to space restrictions, we had to put a few family photos and candles on the friends' altar. I don't know if it was a family member who was unhappy because they were on the friends' altar, or if something nasty got into our home as we invited our ancestors in. Actually, it could have been one of our ancestors or friends, we have a few undesirables in our history ... in any case, I felt something unpleasant lingering in our home for a few days after Dallas had put away everything from the altars. It took me a few days, but with Hecate's help, we were able to guide it out of our environment and back beyong the veil. This is an example of how Hecate can be of help to ue when we need her ... but she also expects worship in return.


November is really the month where I feel the 'most at home.' To me, November is Hecate’s Holy Month. The word 'holy' is not a word that is to be used only for certain faiths. Pagans use it, as well, and we have every right.In looking back at the origins of the word 'holy' we get into murky waters, because no one really knows where the word came from.

The primary (pre-Christian) meaning of the word 'holy' is not possible to determiine, but probably it was 'that which must be preserved whole or intact, that cannot be transgressed or violated' and connected with Old English 'hal' (health) and Old High German 'heil' 'health, happiness, good luck' (sourace of the German salutation 'Heil')..

Take that, Robin. (For those who don't get it, I'm referring to the 1960s 'Batman & Robin' show. I keep forgetting there are young 'uns on here ...)

It is not surprising, then, that here are two special days dedicated to Hecate during November. Hekcate’s chosen are her witches and the marginalized.

Honor Hecate well by helping those shunned by society during this month or anytime. She will honor you by being there for you in more ways than you can imagine.

Any questions, comment below or message me privately.


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