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One of those F.Y.I. blog posts

I love comments on my blog posts in Darkmum's Musings. I love to respond to them.

Along with this blog, I am also a member of two select Facebook Rudy groups which seem to accept my opinions and interact with me. One is American (but based in Canada) and one is based in Italy. On the Canadian group, the English language seems to suffice, and on the Italian one, I speak Italian since it just does not translate so well into English. I have an Italian language translator on this blog, as well as Spanish. I can put others on should they be requested.

Although I do like to post links directly to the blog posts, because I would much prefer that those interested in my blog posts join Darkmum Dearest and see Darkmum's Musings for themselves, I do enjoy talking about certain Rudy- and Natacha-related things that are posted in those Facebook groups. I have no intention of leaving those groups.

I still post some direct clickable links, although I believe I'm going to stop that practice, altogether. A link to the Darkmum Dearest website is much more helpful, in my opinion. I think that my posting clickable links to precise subjects is causing some confusion that I did not wish to cause, and I knew that the possibility of this confusion existed.

Cherry-picking information has begun ... in other words, members are picking out certain blog posts, some of which are parts of the entire series, sometimes even a few sentences, and asking some questions that show a definite lack of research on their part.

I do my research. I realize little importance is attached to research these days, I do not want to be a part of that crowd. I understand that it is simply easier to have someone do it for you. What I do not understand, though, are the challenges I receive about my posts when there has been no research done on the part of the commenter. Give me some meat to dig into and I am a happy camper. Give me bullshit and I become irritated.

To be brutally honest, this is one of the main reasons I left Facebook.

So, here's the deal. I know some of those on that Rudy Facebook group are already members of Darkmum Dearest, which is great. I would encourage all who are interested in my opinions/photos to join my website, Darkmum Dearest, and have access to the blog, Darkmum's Musings. I will still post on those Facebook groups, but I think that for you to get the full amount of information I have to offer, it would be wonderful for you to become members. For myself as well as you ... there is some great info on these groups I otherwise would not have access to, and I find it very interesting to observe what is going on in the 'Valentino world.'

In addition, for those of you who already are members, please take the time to read the particular series (if there is one involved) if you find something you may take issue with. You may find the answer to your question is already answered in the next or even the prior portion of that series.

Now, don't get me wrong. I am always willing to answer questions or inquiries. In no uncertain terms, I will also tell you to use the search button in the blue header on the main landing page to find your answer. I can help you with certain search words and terms if that helps, but I honestly think that you can figure those out. It is the same as any other website you may visit and have to look up your answer. If the answer is not forthcoming via the search button, I will do my level best to find it for you.

I never let any comment or question go unnoticed or unanswered. Some people enjoy trying to trick me into admitting a mistake. This does not bother me, I can assure you. If I make a mistake, I have no problem admitting that, and changing my information, or even leaving the mistake so the "oopsie" can be seen by all.

I'm too old for warfare, and I'm certainly not perfect. Are you?



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