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Revisiting Hmong Embroidery

Updated: Nov 22, 2023

A while back I talked about a bit of Hmong Embroidery called Paj Ntaub. This Miao Chinese embroidery has evolved throughout the generations. I am working on a book off and on about Hmong dance and embroidery techniques. My goal is to assist the Hmong/Hmoob/Miao people to preserve their arts further. Sadly, Paj Ntaub is starting to become a lost artform within the Hmong Community. With printed stuff becoming popular, it is becoming computer-generated and the artform is being lost amongst younger Homng generations.

Owner of photo: PM_Hmong Fashion

If this art goes away completely, so does the heritage of the people a bit. Flower cloth or Paj Ntaub tells a story of the individual wearing it. Women weave words with symbols of nature only they know how to read. The art also is a fertility art with usage of attracting Hmong men to women with beautiful flower cloth. It is kind of like a display of wealth. Coins are also worn to display her worth. The more French coins she has the more loaded with money she may appear to her suitor. The coins used to be real, but these days imitation copies are worn. I am learning how to make it via YouTube. There's one YouTuber named Peb Li who is amazing. I follow everything she does. She shows the world the techniques of the Paj Ntaub. I am going to share a few. They are in the Vietnamese Hmong dialect, but you can just look at what she is doing to understand.

About the video: Peb Li is making white snails. Snails represent family. I thought they were Ram horns, but I was mistaken.

About the video: Peb Li is making a flower with seeds. This can mean various things. Flowers and seeds are fertility symbols in general.

About the video: Peb Li is showing off Hmong money belts and skirts. These cost a fortune to buy, but many do for their look and jingles, of course. Since I am an Orientale Dancer, I love my jingles.

Why Should we Save it?

We need to remember that after the Vietnam War, Hmong lost a lot of their culture. They were taken into camps and abused by the Lao and Vietnamese armies. They had to sell their embroidery to make ends meet since they had to pay for shelter at times. This is when story cloth became popular. It is illegal now to make in Thailand due to the fact secrets can be let out about the abuse they still due to the Hmong people today.

Abuse of Humanity

In Laos, humans are hunted for sport. This is not reported by many due to the oppression of the Lao Government. The Hmong live in the jungles and try to create communities there. Americans used them and abandoned them sadly, so we bear much blame for that disaster. This is why cultural stories need to be saved. I am sure the Hmong in the jungles have their own cloth they are making. Sewing their stories to leave behind of humanity.

I call it embroidery of survival.

To learn more, you can visit: Home Page - Hmong Museum (

Here's Peb Li's YouTube page: Peb Li - YouTube

Support Hmong art whenever you can. Take classes and learn about the artists. Show them kindness as well. We need to love everyone who works hard to preserve what many try to take away.

Photo Credit: Mai Materials. These are French coins used.

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