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The Gish gallop ... oh, I mean 'the debate'

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I rarely do a blog post that is purely political, but I'm making a HUGE exception for today.

For those of you who do not know what a Gish gallop is, let us start with an explanation.

During a Gish gallop, a debater confronts an opponent with a rapid series of specious arguments, half-truths, misrepresentations, and outright lies in a short space of time, which makes it impossible for the opponent to refute all of them within the format of a formal debate.

This is exactly what we saw during the first presidential debate last night between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump.

I will admit, that the rules as we heard of them sounded great ... the 2-minute answers with the 1-minute rebuttals and then possible 1-minute rebuttals to those, water provided, pen and paper for notes, no consultation with advisors, mics muted (mostly because Trump has had the habit of talking over anyone he is debating - which he did anyway) ... it all sounded like it would be nice and organized.

It didn't exactly turn out that way, but Biden did stop talking, for the most part, when he was asked to. Trump, on the other hand,, kept up his jibber-jabber. But did we expect anything else? We had hoped... I do wish Biden had taken advantage of the water that was provided, perhaps his voice would have improved. I do not believe he had a cold. I believe he was nervous and I know several people over the age of 80 whose voices sound weak. This has nothing to do with their ability to understand. You sometimes just cannot get the words out quickly. Biden is also a stutterer. We all know this. Oh, and Trump is not in his 80s yet, Let's see what happens to his voice when he hits that age.

Trump lied and lied and lied and lied and lied. Around 30 lies, all told in a shotgun manner. Biden skirted the truth a few times, but he was nowhere near the outright LIAR that Trump was during this 'debate.'

And this was not debate, by the way. This was a question-and-answer session. These 'moderators from CNN were not moderators at all. They were questioners and timekeepers. A sixteen-year-old with good reading skills and a stopwatch could have done this job.

So, for those Republicans who had their panties in a knot because these were CNN moderators and the fear was that Biden would be favored ... that fear should have been quickly alleviated. In fact, Trump just trounced all over these questioners the same way he did Biden. To be fair, though, Trump was not as rude as he usually is, and he did seem to show some decorum ... at least for Trump.

But the lies that flowed out of Trump's mouth like verbal diarrhea were kind of disgusting ... regarding inflation, COVID, foreign policy, climate change, January 6th (blaming it on Pelosi was a new one on me, I'll admit) and it always was like this: "I and everything I did was the greatest. It was the greatest ever. It was great. Everyone said how great it was. The greatest. The greatest. The greatest. 'He' made it all a disaster. Everyone says it is a disaster. when I get back in it's gonna be great again."

Joe Biden stuttered, and his voice was weak. But considering the content that Biden had coming out of his mouth, and considering what Trump said, I have to say that Biden won the debate if we are going on truth and knowledge. Trump's voice was louder and he seemed stronger ... but sometimes those who are the quietest are the most intelligent. Those who bluster and are the loudest are not always the greatest.

One thing that upset me, though, was when Trump tried to convince us all that Democrats kill babies after they are born. He accused people who believe in abortion of murdering babies after they are born. This man is unhinged. Perhaps HE thinks that is acceptable in some fantasy world, but we who believe in safe, sane, abortion do not believe in this act. We do not believe in murdering newborn babies, but Trump would kill several undocumented immigrants given the chance.

He would not hesitate. Notice he did not answer the question as to HOW he would deal with this massive deportation he has said he would authorize if re-elected, and that is one of the main issues of his campaign. I believe that is because he plans to quietly kill them. He would have even the undocumented children killed, and sleep just fine at night. I do not want a man like that leading our country. If I wanted that, I'd move to Russia and worship Trump's buddy, Putin.

Stating that 'everybody' wanted to end 'Roe vs. Wade' was just another outright lie. I don't even have to explain that lie. You all know it is not true, and we will get that reinstated in time.

Trump also mentioned 'black jobs.' He said that the undocumented immigrants are taking the 'black jobs.' Biden fell right into that possibly unintentional trap and actually discussed it stating that the forgiveness in college loans was for black people and that there were extra benefits out there for black people. I think that ship has sailed.

Blacks are now on more equal footing with everyone else and everyone knows it ... well, everyone except Trump. Trump wants the undecided black voters if not ALL black voters. If he can get those, he may very well win the election with the electoral votes he needs. j=Just three or four more states and he will do it. I guess Trump figured that he could fool the blacks into voting for him in this manner. I am banking on the fact that our black brothers and sisters have more common sense. In fact, blacks should be offended, because racist Trump meant low-paying, unskilled, low-paying jobs when he referred to 'black-jobs.' I guess he thinks that is all blacks can do?

I watch 'The View.' I am irritated by 'The View' almost constantly, but I like Whoopi Goldberg, so I put up with the other four whining bitches at the table. However, today, I got REALLY irritated with a few of them, one a registered Independent and one a registered Republican, both gals think that Joe Biden should step down and allow someone else to take his place.

There are a myriad of reasons this cannot happen at this point in time, and the main reason is that Joe Biden himself would have to step aside voluntarily unless he becomes incapacitated. To force him out would only cause the Republican Party to then file lawsuits because they would say that the Democrats had broken any number of rules by bringing in another nominee at this late date after 99% of the Democratic delegates have already supported Biden. True, the Democratic convention is not until August, but still, the GOP would raise such a stink if another candidate were brought in to replace Biden, even though they are encouraging it now ... no, we need to stick with Biden. Of COURSE the Republicans would love to see Biden ousted in some manner, voluntarily or not, so they could then have their dismal candidate win, hands down.

The time for nominating someone else has long passed. Both of these gals on

'The View' are young; one a Millennial and one a Gen Zer. I've long been ignoring much of what they say because they make little sense. One sounds like a yapping Chihuahua and the other one sounds like my daughter ... talking constantly and saying nothing. In this case, they were echoing much of what I've been hearing from others since the debate last night. And how dare they? Do they want Trump in there? If Trump does get re-elected, this country deserves everything it gets, and that something will be a dictator.

Many people have said that Gavin Newsom might be a good replacement for Joe Biden. I'm going to quote what I heard Gavin say in response to that idea:

“Well, I think it’s unhelpful, and I think it’s unnecessary. We’ve got to go in, we’ve got to keep our heads high — and as I say, we’ve got to have the back of this president. You don’t turn your back because of one performance. What kind of party does that? It’s been a master class. 50.6 million jobs. That's eight times more than the last three Republican presidents combined. The only thing the last three Republican presidents have in common are recessions. Democrats delivered. This president has delivered. We need to deliver for him, at this moment. With all due respect, the more time we start having these conversations, go down these rabbit holes, it’s unhelpful to our democracy, the fate and future of this country, and the world. They need us right now to step up, and that’s exactly what I intend to do.”

The bottom line is this: Donald Trump will keep on holding his hate-rallies full of jibber-jabber. He will continue blabbing on about how he has been persecuted. He will keep going on about what would happen if Hannibal Lecter got electrocuted by a shark and repulsing anyone who isn’t already a MAGA cultist, and Joe Biden is going to keep calmly and judiciously running this country.

I was disappointed that Joe Biden did not present with a better showing in last night's debate, but if anyone is going to be replaced in any realm of thinking ... it should be the Republican Party's CONVICTED FELON & SEXUAL ABUSER who is running for the President of the United States, not Joe Biden.

Besides, it was just one night, and if anyone bothered to watch Biden speak when he addressed his supporters shortly after the debate; it is crystal clear that he is just fine.



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