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'The Shrines of 'Tut-Anhk-Amon' - Part 11

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The following blog post will describe the second Shrine of King Tut—first part.

Inside, on the ceiling, under the winged solar disk, Nut, with outspread winged arms, stands on the sign of gold.

Nut, The Great, The Brilliant One ... drawing by Mark Hasselriis

(Note from Cindy: I could not find any photos of this ceiling Isis and the vultures, which is unfortunate. know the image must be out there. I just could not locate it. If I run across it at a later date while this series is still being written, I'll post it with the description. For now, we have this drawing of the Goddess Nut by Natacha's companion, Mark Hasselriis).

On her right and left are twenty-two columns of text containing a spell from the Pyramid Texts and part of the text from the Book of the Dead. Below are five flying vultures holding the sign of infinity. The second and the fourth have snake heads. The inside of the roof, the middle section of which was incorrectly inversed, is decorated with winged solar discs and 13 vultures.

(Note from Darkmum: Thrown over Shrine II was a pall, which is a funeral cloth normally draped over a coffin. More about this pall in my recorded message.)

Shrine II with the pall covering

This is difficult to see, but it does show the top of Shrine II which depicts the winged Goddess Isis, and the right and left doors.

On the doors, right and left, are represented as a herald and a guardian of the gates in the Netherworld. The herald on the right has a donkey's head, and the one on the left has a bald human head; the guardians are ram-headed. Above them is another text from the Book of the Dead.

Divinities on the Interior Doors ... drawing by Mark Hasselriis

Above, on the right-side panel are the bull with seven kine and the four celestial rudders, which illustrate yet another text of the Book of the Dead. Below is the text of part of the Book of the Dead. Above, from left to right on the left side panel, are a standing figure of Isis, thirty seated figures with the names of different local Osiris Gods forming parts of more texts from the Book of the Dead, the Evening Barge with the follower sign, and two hawks on stands.

The Morning Barge & The Evening Barge. Again, I know this is difficult to see and understand, but I wanted to show it, nonetheless.

The prow of the barge is covered by a mat of reeds, with a frog, the symbol of resurrection, underneath. Behind it is a large barge on which stand Re, Atum, Shu, Tefnut, Geb, Nut, Osiris, and Isis. In the back of Isis is the King Tut-Ankh-Amon. Behind is the Morning Barge, similar in form to the Evening Barge but without the follower sign. In the back of the barge are thirty-one seated figures with the names of Osiris Gods and a standing figure of Nephthys. Under these representations is a text of the Book of the Dead. More text from the Book of the Dead is on the rear panel.

Outside, the roof is decorated by a winged disk above the door ...

This is Shrine II as it is reassembled in the Egypt museum.

and by five perpendicular bands of inscriptions. From the central band, seven horizontal bands with inscriptions run right and left. on the doors the king is pictured twice, standing before Re, Horus of the Horizon, and before Osiris. On the right side the king, holding the flail, his head adorned with two horns, a disk, and two feathers and with a larger disk above him, is accompanied by the Goddess Truth.

Part of what is described above

He advances toward an altar with a vase and a bunch of lotus flowers. Facing him stands Re, Horus of the Horizon, with the head of a hawk and a disk on his head.

The God holds a scepter and the sign of life. On the left, the king holds a crook and a flail and wears a double crown. Above his head is a disk. Before him is an altar with a vase and a bunch of lotus flowers; behind him stands Isis. Facing the king is Osiris, with the features of the king, holding the crook and flail. The representation is executed according to the tradition of the art of Amarna. On the back panel of the shrine are Isis and Nephthys with winged arms, standing on the sign of gold.

Back of interior of Shrine II of Tut-Ankh-Amon. Winged Goddesses Isis & Nephthys standing on the sign of gold (you may remember the depiction of the sign of gold from earlier in this series).

The representations on the left and right panels are unique, though certain figures are similar to those in the tombs of Ramesses VI and Ramesses IX. Here they are accompanied by inscriptions in enigmatic script, where every current sign is replaced by another. There are also groups of symbolic representations that are impossible to interpret at present. (keep in mind this was early in the 20th century when these inscriptions were being read). A detailed description of the representations and the translation of the texts are given below. Here we shall try to give a general interpretation of the whole.

The representations on both panels probably portray extracts from an unknown cosmological composition dealing with the creation and the refilling of the solar disk with fire during the night. The conception that the sun loses its heat by day and has to be replenished by night is very similar to the view of Heraclitus, who believed that the solar "trough," or disk, was automatically replenished during the night by fumes that rose from the earth and which became ignited every morning when the trough was full. Here, in the region of death, the sun passes by, or through, the bodies of the Gods who reside there. Their bodies remain in the dark while their souls i.e., their power, their essence, follow the sun in his journey. In other words, in the region of death, the sun collects new energy for his rebirth in the morning.

In the central portion of the left panel stands a large mummiform figure. he who hides the Hours, with the face of Tut-Ankh-Amon. his head and feet are placed in circles formed by the serpent Mehen, the Enveloper. In his body is the disk with a ram-headed bird inside, symbolizing the night sun. A rope upheld by seven adoring Gods evidently serves to pull the disk from the body of the mummiform figure. In the Fifth Division of the Book of Gates the Gods of the Netherworld pull the hours of the night by means of a rope, from the mouth of Aken. This is evidently a similar conception.

On the right, in the registers in front of the figure of He who hides the Hours, are representations of the Head of Re, a ram-headed pole, and the Neck of Re, a jackal-headed pole. we know from other compositions that the Head and Neck of Re symbolize the creative power of the sun God.

In the upper register are eight divinities symbolizing the different transformations undergone by the sun God while passing through the Netherworld. In the register below are eight other figures in two groups of four. The chests of the four figures in front having the shape of the scarab, the symbol of becoming and new birth, would indicate that the process of transformation is accomplished. In the upper register behind He who swallows the Hours stand seven Goddesses in shrines facing left On the left in the register below, two Osiris figures recline in the coils of a human-headed serpent, He with the Head. Several chapters of the Book of the Dead indicate the process of regeneration: part of the text refers to the rebirth in the Watery Abyss; part of the Text deals with the triumph of Osiris; the heart texts contribute the spells to preserve the life of the deceased king identified with the sun God.

The figures on the right panel, placed in three registers, are turned toward the left, where four pairs of arms support two disks containing a ram-headed bird, and form a kind of mandala with the king's name in the center. The sun, a disk on legs, is shown in the middle register moving toward the right. A group of four lion-headed divinities and another lion-headed group of six breathe fire toward it. The three groups of six Gods in the upper and lower register appear to take part in the creation process.

The solar disk ... the sun

Up until this point, I've shown bits and pieces of this entire inscription wall of Shrine II. This is difficult to read, I know, but it shows the entire thing.



Upper part:

Right and Left from the winged disk:

He of Behdet, the Great God.

Above the Goddess Nut:

Nut the Great, the Brilliant One. She stretches out her arms to protect thy members. Thou art living, Re, forever and ever.

Text before and behind the Goddess:

Words spoken by Nut:

I stretch myself out over this son of mine, Osiris, in my name of Nut. I will not be far from this son of mine, Osiris, King, Lord of the Two Lands Neb-Kheperu-Re, bodily Son of the Sun, beloved by him, Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South. Thou livest forever like Geb, thou love of Osiris the primeval One. Thou appearest as King of Upper and Lower Egypt. Re said that he will be with me forever among the Indestructible Stars which are in me. This son of mine will not die, this beloved of mine, Osiris, lives forever. I stretch myself out over this son of mine in my name of the Mysterious One, the established one of Geb. O son of Geb, the first among his fathers, thou livest forever! The heart of him who acted against thee, Osiris, is sad. Nut has lifted thee up and thou hast seen the Gods. I am Nut the Great, the Mighty, the Brilliant One, the soul of the Brilliant One, for I have been powerful in the body of my mother Tefnut in my name of Nut to have power over my mother. I have filled all places with my beauty, the earth is under me to its limit. I have taken hold of it, I have taken hold of the South and the North, what my arms embrace is inside of my arms. I make Osiris live - thou livest forever and ever, King of Upper and Lower Egypt, Lord of the Two Lands, Neb-Kheperu-Re, living forever, bodily Son of the Sun his beloved one, Lord of Diadems, Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South, the justified one.

Words spoken by Osiris, King, Lord of the Two Lands, Neb-Kheperu-Re, bodily Son of the Sun, his beloved one, Lord of Diadems, Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South, living forever and ever:

Salutation to thee, Bull of the West!

The Bull of the West

Says Thoth to the King of Eternity:

I am the God of the side of the barge. I have fought for thee, I am one of the Gods of the Council who have justified Osiris against his enemies on the day of the Judgment. I belong to thy subjects. O Osiris! I am one of these Gods borne by Nut, who kill the enemies of Re, who keep away the rebels from him, I belong to thy subjects, O Horus, I have fought for thee, I have been sent in thy name! I am Thoth, he who justifies Horus against his enemies, on the day of Judgment in the Great Hall of the Prince who is in Heliopolis. I am enduring in Busiris, born in Busiris. I am with the mourners for Osiris, with those who grieve on the two banks of the town of Rekhty. Thoth is justified against his enemies. So I say - Thoth has caused me to be with Horus of the day of dressing the Teshtesh-figures when the holes are being opened to wash Weary Heart, the mystery of Mysteries in Ro-Setau. I am together with Horus on the day when the left shoulder of Osiris is being protected which is in Letopolis. I go out and I enter as a flame on the day when the adversaries are being repulsed in Letopolis.


Lower Section:



Osiris, King, Lord of the Two Lands, Neb-Kheperu-Re, bodily Son of the Sun, beloved by him, Lord of Diadems, Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South, beloved of Horus of the Horizon.


Osiris, King, Lord of the Two Lands Neb-Kheperu-Re, bodily Son of the Sun, beloved by him, Lord of Diadems, Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South, beloved by Atum, Lord of the Sky.

Under the first vulture:

Uadjet, Lady of Pe and Dep, protects Osiris, King, Lord of the Two Lands Neb-Kheperu-Re, the justified one.

Under the second vulture:

Nekhbet, the White One, Lady of the Sky, mistress of the Gods, spreads over Osiris, King Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South, to whom life is given forever and ever.

Under the third vulture:

She who is Great of Charm, Lady of the Sky. She will be as protection behind thee forever, Osiris, King Neb-Kheperu-Re, justified before the Great God.

Under the fourth vulture:

Uadjet, Lady of Pe, mistress of all the Gods, she is with Osiris, King Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South, to whom life is given forever and ever.

Front panel with doors:



The winged disk.

(Note from Cindy. The winged disk symbol was also known as Behdety as it was used in the temples to represent the god Behdety, the god of the midday sun.)


He grants life in all forms he likes, like Re.


The Great God of Dappled Plumage, Lord of the Sky and of the Earth. he grants life, stability, prosperity to be about him.

Right doorjamb:

Words spoken by Nut, the Great, the Brilliant:

My son Osiris, King Neb-Kheperu-Re image of Re, the justified one, heir of the Ruler of the West. Their arms are behind thee. Thou livest eternally.

Words spoken by Anubis Imyut:

I am the protection of thy chest, Osiris, King Tut-Ankh-Amon Ruler of Heliopolis of the South, the justified one before the Great God, Lord of the Sky, in heaven and upon earth.

Left doorjamb:

Words spoken by Isis:

I am thy protection, I am behind thee. Thy members shall not be weary eternally, Osiris, King, Lord of the Two Lands Neb-Kheperu-Re, the justified one.

Words spoken by Nephthys:

I am at thy side protecting thee from behind while thou livest like Re, eternally, Osiris, King, Lord of Diadems Neb-Kheperu-Re, the justified one.

Left wing:

Words spoken:

O these Seven Gates, O you who make the Gates for Osiris, O you guardians of their Gates, O heralds who report the conditions of the Two lands to Osiris, every day. this King Neb-Kheperu-Re, living forever, knows you, he knows your names. This Osiris, King Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South, is born in Ro-Setau, and the glory of the Lord of the Horizon has been given him. This Osiris, King, is a noble mummy living forever in Pe as a purified Osiris. Osiris, King Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South, living forever, received the others in Ro-Setau, he guides the Gods on the horizon among those of the courtiers who stand behind Osiris. Osiris, King Neb-Kheperu-Re, living forever, is one among them when he guides them. Osiris, King Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South, living forever, is a spirit, Lord of Spirits, and acting spirit. Osiris, King Neb-Kheperu-Re, living forever, he is indeed Osiris, King Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South, living forever, who celebrates the Monthly Festival and announces the Feast of the Half Month. Osiris, King Neb-Kheperu-Re, living forever goes around carrying the Eye of Horus given by Thoth on the night when he crosses the sky as a justified one. Osiris, King Tut-Ankh-Amon, living forever, advances in peace, he sails the barge of Re. The protection of Osiris, King Neb-Kheperu-Re, living forever, is the protection of the barge of Re, King Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South, living forever, is a great name, more than you, greater than you are on the roads of Truth. The abomination of Osiris, King Neb-Kheperu-Re, living forever, is destruction. The protection of Osiris, King Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South, living forever, is the protection of Re. He is not repulsed at the Gates.

Right wing:

Words spoken by Osiris, King Neb-Kheperu-Re, living forever, the purified one among the followers of Osiris, he at the head of the Western Ones:

In the course of every day. his field is among the Fields of Offerings, among those who know the ceremonies of Osiris. Osiris, King Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South, living forever is a scribe besides Thoth among those who make offerings. Anubis has decreed, he who resides among offerings, that offerings should be made to Osiris, King Ne-Kheperu-Re, living forever, through him, that they should not be ravished from him by those who live among the plunder Osiris, Lord of the Two Lands Tut-Ankh-Amon, has come like Horus from the splendor of the Horizon of Heaven. Osiris, King Neb-Kheperu-Re, living forever announces Re at the Gates of the Horizon. The Gods jubilate for him when they meet Osiris, King Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South. The divine perfume belongs to Osiris. King Neb-Kheperu-Re, living forever, the evil ones do not reach him. The guardians of the gates do not annihilate him. Osiris, King Neb-Kheperu-Re, is mysterious of face inside the palace, which is in the sanctuary of the God who guards time. Osiris, King Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South, living forever, has reached Hat-Hor after his purification. Osiris, Lord of Diadems, he who creates much, elevates Truth toward Re, and drives away the power of Apopis, Osiris, King Neb-Kheperu-Re, living forever, opens up the firmament, and drives away the storm, he causes the crew of Re to live. King Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South, living forever has elevated the gifts to the place in which they are. King Neb-Kheperu-Re, living forever, has caused the barge to move beautifully. Ways are made for Osiris, King Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South, is like the Two Great Ones.

Names of the divinities:

Left wing:

Wailing Voice is the name of the herald in it.

Doorkeeper of the First Gate:

Reversed Face, He of many forms.

Between the two figures:

He who Hears is the name of its guardian.

Right wing:

The one who Burns is the name of the herald in it.

Doorkeeper of the Sedon Gate:

Wide of chest.

Seked-her is the name of its guardian.

Right panel:


Above (inscriptions accompanying the bull, the cows, and the rudders):

Name of the bull:

The Bull of the Bulls, Male of the Kine.

Name of the first cow:

Powerful One, her name is in her craft.

Divine offerings consisting of bread and beer.

Name of the second cow:

Castle of the Ka, Lady of All.

Name of the third cow:

She who is united with life, Light-red One.

Name of the fourth cow:

She of Chemmis.

Name of the fifth cow:

Great of Love, the Red-haired One.

Divine offerings for your Ka, you are pure!

Name of the sixth cow:

The Noble One of the God.

All things beautiful and pure.

All things beautiful and pure.

Name of the seventh cow:

Imenyt, She at the head of her place.

First rudder:

O He who resides in the Castle of the Red One, beautiful Rudder of the Southern Sky.

Second rudder:

O Brilliant One, He who resides in the Castle of the Images, beautiful Rudder of the Eastern Sky.

Third Rudder:

O He who circles about the Two Lands, beautiful Rudder of the Western Sky.

Fourth rudder:

Spirit in the Necropolis, O Beautiful Power, beautiful Rudder of the Northern Sky.

King of Upper and Lower Egypt, Lord of the Two Lands, Neb-Kheperu-Re, living forever and ever, like Re.


Thou followest Re in all his doings, thou appearest and goest to rest like him King of Upper and Lower Egypt, Lord of the Two Lands Neb-Kheperu-Re, heir of Re, to whom life is given as to Re forever and ever.


Words spoken by Horus of the Horizon:

My rays are thy protection, King of Upper and Lower Egypt, Lord of the Two Lands, Neb-Kheperu-Re, to whom life is given forever and ever.

On the panel:

Salutation to thee, He who gives light with his living soul, who comes out of the Watery Abyss. Osiris, King Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South, lives forever and ever, he knows thy name, he knows the names of thy Seven Kine together with the Bull who belongs to them, they who give bread, beer, prosperity to the spirits, who feed those in the West. Grant bread and prosperity to Osiris, King Neb-Kheperu-Re, the justified one! Let him be in your following, let him come into being underneath your thighs!

The castle of the Ka, Lady of All!

Grant bread, beer, food, prosperity to Osiris, King Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South, living forever.

Imenyt, She at the head of her place!

Spirit in the Necropolis, Beautiful Power, beautiful Rudder of the Northern Sky!

She of the Chemmis!

He who circles about the Two Lands, beautiful Rudder of the Western Sky!

The Noble One of the God!

Brilliant One, He who resides in the Castle of Images beautiful Rudder of the Eastern Sky!

Great of Love, the Red-haired One!

Grant bread, beer, food, prosperity to Osiris, King Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South, living forever.

Powerful One, her name is in her craft!

Spirit in the Necropolis!

O fathers of the Gods, O mothers who are upon earth,

Bull of the kine who are in the Necropolis!

Save Osiris, King Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South, living forever, from every evil obstacle, from every evil damage, from that snare, the knives of which are painful, from every evil thing that the Gods, the spirits, the dead may utter this night this month, this year, and indeed at any season thereof.

Salutation to thee, Re, He in his Shrine, who risest while rising, who shinest while shining, who confinest millions at thy will, who turnest thy face toward men, Khepri in his barge who overthrows Apopis every day. Progeniture of Geb, may you overthrow the enemies of Osiris, King Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South, living forever, who attacks their attackers. Osiris, King Neb-Kheperu-Re, living forever attacks them in this barge of Re!

Horus has cut your heads in heaven as birds, your buttocks which belong to the gazelles of the district as fishes. All adversaries are overthrown! Osiris, King Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South, living forever, will come down from the sky, he will arise from the earth.

They who come on the water, who move with the stars, Thoth has burned them, he the son of the shell, who came out of two shells.

Be silent, be dumb before Osiris, King Neb-Kheperu-Re, living forever and ever. He is like Re, this God whose slaughter is great, whose dignity is high, he washes in your blood, he wades in your red. The assailant, he attacks them, Osiris, King, Lord of the Two Lands Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South, in his barge of his father Re. This is Horus, this Osiris, King Neb-Kheperu-Re, the justified one. Isis, his mother, gave him birth, Nephthys has reared him as they had done for Horus that he may repulse the confederates of Seth. When they see the Double Crown established on his head, they fall down on their faces, for it is their glory. Men, Gods, and spirits and the dead see Osiris, King Neb-Kheperu-Re, living forever, as Horus with the and the dead see Osiris, King Neb-Kheperu-Re, living forever, as Horus with the Double Crown established on this head. Fall on your faces, for it is your glory! Away from Osiris, King, Lord of Diadems Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South, living forever! He is like Re, he has power over you!

Justified is Osiris, King Neb-Kheperu-Re, living forever!

When the barge moves toward Nut, the Great Ones are agitated at thy voice. Thou reckonest thy bones, thou assemblest thy members, thou turnest thy face toward the beautiful West. Thou comest rejuvenated every day, for thou art this image of gold carrying the elements of the disk. The sky trembles at the circling round, being rejuvenated every day. O jubilation of the horizon, joy in thy rigging, the Gods who are in the sky see Osiris, Lord of the Two Lands Neb-Kheperu-Re, they praise him like Re!

Osiris, King Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South, to whom life is given, the Great One, who seeks the Double Crown of Re, who reckons its offerings, Osiris, King Neb-Kheperu-Re, living forever, the Unique One, the accomplished one Osiris, King Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South, living forever, the Unique One of this first body of being who is in front of Re.

Osiris, King Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South, to whom life is given, the Great One, who seeks the Double Crown of Re, who reckons its offerings, Osiris, King Neb-Kheperu-Re, living forever, the Unique One, the accomplished one Osiris, King Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South, living forever, the Unique One of this first body of being who is in front of Re. (repetition is correct as per inscription)

Osiris, King Neb-Kheperu-Re, living forever, the accomplished one upon earth and in the Necropolis.

Osiris, King, Lord of the Two Lands Neb-Kheperu-re, living forever, is awakened and accomplished, every day, like Re, every day

Osiris, King Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South, living forever, will not hurry.

Osiris, King, Lord of the Two Lands Neb-Kheperu-Re, living forever and ever will not be tired in this land eternally. How beautiful it is to see with the eyes how fine to hear the truth with the ears!

Osiris, King, Lord of the Two Lands Neb-Kheperu-Re, living forever, is behind . . . .

Osiris, King, Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South, living forever and ever, is as Re, the Holy One, the crosser of the Abyss. This is what Osiris, King, Lord of the Two Lands Neb-Kheperu-Re, living forever and ever, says!

Rear Panel:


Above (to the right):

Live, King of Upper and Lower Egypt Neb-Kheperu-Re, heir of Re, Lord of Diadems Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South.

Above (to the left):

Live, King of Upper and Lower Egypt Neb-Kheperu-Re, made by Re, the justified one before the Great God, Lord of the Sky.


King of Upper and Lower Egypt, Lord of the Two Lands Neb-Kheperu-Re, bodily Son of the Sun Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South, beloved of Osiris, Lord of the Holy Land. Thou livest forever and ever.


The King Lord of the Two Lands Neb-Kheperu-Re, bodily Son of the Sun, beloved by him Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South, will be like Re forever and ever.

On the panel:

Words spoken by the King, Lord of the Two Lands Neb-Kheperu-Re, living forever:

I am Re in his manifestations when he began to rule what he made.

Who is he?

Re, when he began to rule what he had made in the beginning.

It is Re who appeared as King of what he had made to be when the supports of Shu were not yet created in him on the Hill of Hermopolis. It was then that the children of the Weak One were delivered over to him, as Gods who are in Hermopolis.

I am the Great God who created himself.

Who is he?

The Great God who created himself is the Water, it is the Watery Abyss, the Father of the Gods.

Others say:

It is Re who created all his names, the Gods of the Ennead.

Who is he?

Re, when creating the names of his members - these became Gods who are in his followings.

The one who is not repulsed among the Gods.

Who is he?

It is Atum who is in his Disk.

Others say:

It is Re when he comes out of the Eastern Horizon of Heaven.

I am yesterday, I know tomorrow.

What is he?

As to yesterday - it is Osiris; as to tomorrow - it is Re, on the day the enemies of the Lord of All were annihilated, and his son Horus was made a ruler.

Others say?

It is the day of the feast. We shall remain when the burial of Osiris was honored by his father Re, and the Gods did fight according to the decrees.

What is this?

Osiris was made against the souls of the Gods according to the decrees of Osiris; Lord of the Necropolis of the West.

Others say:

It is the West to which Re has decreed every God must descend and must fight against it on them.

I know this Great God who is in it.

Who is he?


Others say:

His name is Exultation of Re, it is the Soul of Re to which he united himself.

I am this Phoenix which is in Heliopolis, he who keeps the accounts of what exists.

Who is he?

It is Osiris. As to what exists - it is his filth.

Others say:

It is eternity and everlastingness. As to eternity - it is the day; as to everlastingness - it is the night. I am Min when he comes out, I have placed two feathers on my head - this is his birth. As to the two feathers on his head - it means that Isis and Nephthys came and placed themselves on him as two hawks, and so they remained on him.

Others say:

It is the two mighty and great Cobras on the brow of Father Atum

Others say:

These are his two eyes which are lacking on his head.

I am upon earth, I have come from my city.

What is this?

It is the borizon of Father Atum.

The evil is removed, the bad is done away with.

What is this?

The cutting of the navel cord, the removal of all my evil.

What is this?

Purification on the day of birth. I am pure!

The Phoenix

Left Panel:



Isis with thirty figures of Osiris behind her (from right to left, beginning with the lower group):

Osiris Unen-nefer.

Osiris Ankhty.

Osiris, Lord of Life.

Osiris, Lord of All.


Osiris-Sepa . . .

Osiris, North of Neru.

Osiris, the Gold of Millions.

Osiris Bety Repat.

Osiris-aPtah, Lord of Life.

Osiris at the Head of Ro-Setau.

Osiris on the Sedan chair.

Osiris Andjety.

Osiris in the city of Sebahty.

Osiris in the city of Sauty.

Osiris in the city of Udetef.

Osiris in the city of Pe.

Osiris in the city of Neteru.

Osiris in the city of Lower Saut.

Osiris in Bikty.

Osiris in the city of Sunu.

Osiris in the city of Ro-Henenet.

Osiris in the city of Aperu.

Osiris in the city of Kefenu.

Osiris in the city of Broad Lake.

Osiris at the head of his town.

Osiris in Pesegu-Ra.

Osiris in his places which are in the North.

Osiris in Heaven.

Osiris in his places which are in Ro-Setau.

The Evening Barge ... drawing by Mark Hasselriis

Above the first barge:

The council which is in this side of the Evening Barge.

The Gods in the central barge:

Re, Horus-Atum, Shu, Tefnut, Geb, Nut, Osiris, Isis, and the last figure: Lord of the Two Lands Neb-Kheperu-Re.

The Barge of The Gods ... drawing by Mark Hasselriis

Above the third barge:

The Morning Barge on the left side of the barge.

Two columns of inscriptions:

King Neb-Kheperu-Re, bodily Son of the Sun, Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South, is in the following of his father Re.

Thirty figures of Osiris with thirty-one names and the Goddess Nephthys behind them. The names are (from right to left beginning above):

Osiris at the Head of the Westerners.

Osiris Andjety.

Osiris Urty.


Osiris, the Great Saw.

Osiris, Ruler of Eternity.

Osiris the Begetter.

Osiris, Lord of the city of Heliopolis.

Osiris the Scepter.

Osiris, Lord of Eternity.

Osiris the King.

Osiris Tetaty.

Osiris in Ro-Satau.

Osiris on the Sand.

Osiris in Tenent.

Osiris in all the Lands.

Osiris at the head of the Booth of the distant Marshlands.

Osiris in the city of Nedyt.

Osiris in the city of Sia.

Osiria in the city of Bedeshet.

Osiris in the city of Depu.

Osiris in the Upper Sau.

Osiris in the city of Nepet.

Osiris in Shenu.

Osiris in Henket.

Osiris in the Land of Sokaris.

Osiris in Shau.

Osiris in Fat-Hor.

Osiris in Maaty.

Osiris in the city of Heni.

Osiris in his places which are in the South.


King, Lord of the Two Lands Neb-Kheperu-Re, bodily Son of the Sun, beloved by him, Lord of Diadems Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South, living forever and ever.


Thou art King of the North, appearing with the Crown of the South, thou makest all forms thou likest, Osiris, King, Lord of the Two Lands Neb-Kheperu-Re, heir of Re, the justified one before the Great God.

The sky and the earth are open! The East and the West are open! the Two Shrines are open! The doors are open, the gates are thrown open for Re when he comes out of the horizon. The two doors of the Evening barge are open, the gates of the Morning Barge are thrown open! He kisses Shu, he creates Tefnut These in his following follow Osiris, King Neb-Kheperu-Re, the justified one, he who follows Re, he who receives the Firmament! He adorns the sanctuary like Horus when the worth of his mysteries is elevated together with his shrine. The messenger of the God is at his will, Osiris, King Neb-Kheperu-Re, the justified one, is the Lord of Truth. His images are elevated for him, Osiris, King Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South, living forever, fastens the rope, he makes firm the chapel.

The abomination of Osiris, King Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South, living forever, is the strife, he does not approach it! Osiris, Lord of the Two Lands Neb-Kheperu-Re, is not repulsed from Re, he is not driven back by He who is active with his Two Arms. Osiris, King Neb-Kheperu-Re, the justified one, does not walk in the valley of darkness.

Osiris, King Neb-Kheperu-Re, living forever, does not enter the district of the criminals, Osiris, Lord of the Two Lands Neb-Kheperu-Re, will not be among those who are destined to die in a moment.

Osiris, King Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South living forever, will not fall into She who imprisons her Souls, among those whose heads are cut off, behind the slaughter block in the place of the slaughter block of Seped.

Be praised, you lions! The knives of the God are in the mystery of the arms of Geb in the morning. They say: How sweet of him! He leads the great toward him together with the young at his time!

Thoth is indeed in his mysteries, he makes purifications, reckons up millions, opens the firmament, and chases away the storm from it.

Osiris, King Neb-Kheperu-Re, living forever and ever, reaches him in his place, he who seizes the rod who receives the kerchief which belongs to Re, the Great Walker, he whose appearance is beautiful, Horus who follows his eye, he whose Ennead stand behind his throne. They expel evil, sickness, and malady from him, Osiris, King Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South, living forever expels evil.

Osiris, King Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South, living forever, makes sweet what is under him.

Osiris, King Neb-Kheperu-Re, the justified one, adores Re who hears him. he annihilates for him his adversaries.

Osiris, King Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South, is not left stranded during the great crossing by He whose face is in his Lap, who says: He is kind toward me! For the name of Re is in the belly of Osiris, King Neb-Kheperu-Re, living forever, his nobility is on his mouth. He says to him: Osiris, King Neb-Kheperu-Re lives forever! Says King Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South, living forever: hear my words! Praises be to thee, Re, Lord of the Horizon! Salutation to thee for whom men are purified, for whom heaven is offered at this great moment of sailing, of passing by the enemies.

Behold, Osiris, King Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South, the justified one, has come as the messenger of Truth, for the One of the Firmament in the West has suppressed the storm of Apopis against Ruty.

Osiris, King, Lord of the Two Lands, Tut--Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South, living forever, has announced for thee thy protections.

Osiris, King Neb-Kheperu-Re, living forever, is among those who sit on the Great Throne, Hark to Osiris, King Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South, living forever!

Osiris, King Neb-Kheperu-Re, comes down to thy Council.

Osiris, King Neb-Kheperu-Re, living forever, saves Re from Apopis every day, so that he does not attack him while he guards him.

Osiris, King Neb-Kheperu-Re, takes the writings, King Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South, living forever, receives the offerings.

Osiris, King Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South, living forever, provides Thoth with what he has to do.

Osiris, King Neb-Kheperu-Re, living forever, makes the Goddess Truth serve at the head of the Great Barge, she who carries the word of truth into the Council.

Osiris, Neb-Kheperu-Re has established millions. Osiris, King Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South, living forever, leads the courtier of Re.

Osiris, King Neb-Kheperu-Re, living forever, makes them sail during the first jubilation, while the crew of Re surround his beauty.

High is Truth, she attends to her lord giving praises to the Lord of All.

Osiris, King Neb-Kheperu-Re, living forever, has received the wand, he brushes the sky with it for him, for Re. People give him praises like to the One who stands and is not tired.

Exalted is Re for what he has done for Osiris, King Neb-Kheperu-Re, living forever.

Osiris, King Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South, living forever, chases away the tempest.

Osiris, King Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South, living forever, sees his beauty when the movement is re-established. The barge circles in the sky, and the light appears.

Osiris, King Neb-Kheperu-Re, is the Great One in the center of his Eye. He sits on his thighs in the great barge of Khepri.

Osiris, King Neb-Kheperu-Re, living forever comes into being, what he says comes into being.

This Osiris, King Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South, living forever ... circles in the sky toward the West. The Fiery Ones of Shu stand up for him while praising they take the forerope of Re from his crew. Re moves about, he decrees to Osiris, King Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South, living forever to be in peace . . . .

Osiris, King Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South, living forever, is not chastised. Osiris, King Neb-Kheperu-Re, living forever, is not seized by the flame of thy might. Storm does not come out of thy mouth against Osiris, King Neb-Kheperu-Re, living forever.

Osiris, King Neb-Kheperu-Re, living forever does not walk on the roads of the wicked. The abomination of Osiris, Lord of the Two Lands Neb-Kheperu-Re, living forever, is the mire of thy barge, O Re.

Osiris, King Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South, living forever, takes his seat.

Osiris, King Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South, living forever, has received his dignity.

Osiris, King Neb-Kheperu-Re, living forever, has been leading on the road of Re in the morning.

Osiris, King Neb-Kheperu-Re, living forever repulses this wicked one who comes out of the flame of thy barge from the Great Uart.

Osiris, King Neb-Kheperu-Re, living forever, knows them, and they do not attack him. It is in thy barge that Osiris, King Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South, is.


Some extra information:

The vault of heaven is supported by Geb ... which is the earth. Nut is telling us that the limits of the earth are under her.

The Lady of Pe and Dep are representations of the Capitals of the North, which is part of the land that Tut-Ankh-Amon rules.

Regarding the front panel with the doors where the two winged figures appear, the text from the Book of the Dead begins on the left door and continues on the right door. I was able to find a photo of Shrine II which shows the winged Nut on the outside top portion, but it does not show the door inscriptions well at all. Therefore, I put in a few photos of bits I found of the inscriptions. If I happen to find better ones searching for Part 2 photos, I'll post them there.

When reference is made to the Western Ones, it is a reference to the dead.

Hat-Hor is the palace of the Goddess Hathor, which is the sky.

Reference to 'The Two Great Ones' at the Gates are to Horus and Seth.

When birds, gazelles, and fishes are spoken of, this is an allusion to the sacrifice of certain animals that were slaughtered as confederates of Seth.

Thoth comes out of an egg as an ibis (bird) which splits in two, becoming heaven and earth, thus providing the Egyptian original creation story.

The deceased appears as the new king. The deceased appears also as Horus.

Take note of the differences in the eyes.

Osiris takes many forms during his journey ... one is as the centipede just as they did the scarab beetle. I found this image particularly interesting. They worshipped the God Sepa, sometimes referred to as the “centipede of Horus.” Ancient Egyptians noticed that insects fed on the corpses of the dead, but that the centipede hunted these insects, so the centipede was thought of as a protector of

the dead.

The centipede was believed to represent protection and guidance by spiritual forces as they traveled through both the physical and spiritual worlds. 

Centipedes were known for their numerous legs, which appeared to be individually guided, which led the Egyptians to believe they represented strength and courage in making life’s decisions on a variety of levels.

In addition to this, the centipede’s symbolic path cast it as a spiritual guide with a deep understanding of navigating life’s complexities, whether in physical or subtle realms.




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