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'The Shrines of Tut-Ankh-Amon' - Part 12

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This will be Part 2 of the Shrine II blog post



Text diagram of the roof ... drawing by Mark Hasselriis

Perpendicular texts:

  1. Words spoken by Nut, the Great:

I am thy mother Nut. My arms encircle thee in life and health, Osiris, King, Lord of the Two Lands Neb-Kheperu-Re, the justified one. Thy legs are for thee to walk, thy arms to overthrow thy enemies, while thou assumest all the forms thou likest, Osiris, King Neb-Kheperu-Re.

2. Words spoken by Osiris, Lord of Ro-Setau:

Thou followest Sokaris when going 'round the Castle, thou takest the crown of the justified one, Osiris, King Neb-Kheperu-Re, the justified one. Thou seest Re when he rises in the morning, thou makest him content when he sets in the Western Horizon of Heaven, Osiris, King, Lord of the Two Lands Neb-Kheperu-Re, the justified one.

3. Words spoken by Osiris, King, Lord of the Two Lands Neb-Kheperu-Re.

O mother Nut, Great One, Brilliant One, who spreadest over me. Place me among the Circumpolar Stars who are in thee. Osiris, King, Lord of the Two Lands Neb-Kheperu-Re, has taken the great Double Crown from Horus, the Lord of Men. Thou appeared as King of Upper Egypt, thou appearest as King of Lower Egypt, all the Gods fear thee as they fear Osiris.

4. Words spoken by He who spreads his Wings:

Thou art far from evil, thou receivest life. Pure breath is given to thee on the altar of Re, refreshments, and gifts in Heliopolis are for thy Ka, every day. Wind is for thy nostrils as incense and resin. The sweet wind of the North is for thy heart. Thou hearest the call from Tait ... as she does for the majesty of Re.

5. Words spoken by Thoth, Lord of Divine Words:

Osiris is justified against his enemies. Justified is Osiris, King, Lord of the Two Lands Neb-Kheperu-Re, against his enemies ... pure of clothing like Ptah, clothes on the arms of Tait. Thou wilt be a living soul and take the forms thou likest while living eternally.

Horizontal texts:


A. Words spoken by Hapy:

Thou art justified in the Court of the Wide Hall of Double Truth, Lord of Diadems Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South.

B. Words spoken by Anubis, He who is at the head of the Divine Pavilion:

I have come, I have removed the veil which was on thee through the band of him who acted against thee, King Neb-Kheperu-Re.

C. Words Spoken by Kebeh-senuf:

I have come to be thy protection, Osiris, Lord of Diadems, Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South the justified one.

D. Words spoken by Horus, He who protects his Father:

I protect the father Osiris, Son of the Sun Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South, against the arms of him who wronged him.

E. Words spoken by Nephthys:

I shall cry at thy side that thou mayest be exalted every day, as I did for my brother, Osiris, Neb-Kheperu-Re.

F. Words spoken by the Great Ennead in the Netherworld:

Thou enterest and thou comest out, thou art not hindered, Osiris, King Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South, the justified one.

G. Words spoken by Selkit:

Thou shalt be inside the Lord of Life while I will be thy protection, eternally.


A. Words spoken by Imesty:

Thy son Horus whom thou lovest, Osiris, Lord of the Two Lands Neb-Kheperu-Re, is justified before the Ennead.

B. Words spoken by Anubis-Imyut:

I caused thy flesh to flourish. I caused thy members to live, Son of the Sun Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South, the justified one.

C. Words spoken by Dua-mutef:

Thou art greeted every day by the Gods, the Lords of the Netherworld, Osiris, King-Neb-Kheperu-Re, beloved by Osiris.

D. Words spoken by Geb:

Thy members will be healthy like those of Re, Osiris, King, Lord of the Two Lands Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South, the justified one.

E. Words spoken by Isis the Great:

I am behind thee as a protection of thy members, as I did for my brother, King Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South, the justified one.

F. Words spoken by the Gods, the Lords of the Necropolis:

Thy purification is made four times by Horus. He who protects his father, Osiris, King, Neb-Kheperu-Re, the justified one.

G. Words spoken by Neith:

I will be thy protection, standing at thy feet, Osiris, King Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis i=of the South, the justified one.

Front Panel With Doors

Right and left of the winged disk:


He of Behdet, Lord of the Sky, Great God. He grants all life and all health.


He of Behdet, Lord of the Sky, Great God. He grants life, stability, and prosperity like Re, forever and ever.

Right doorjamb:

The good Ruler who appears in the White Crown, King of Upper and Lower Egypt, Lord of the Two Lands Neb-Kheperu-Re, bodily Son of the Sun Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South, beloved of Osiris, the Great God, Lord of the Sky.

The Good Ruler who appears in the Double Crown - King of Upper and Lower Egypt. Lord of the Two Lands Neb-Kheperu-Re, Son of the Sun, believed by him Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South, beloved of Sokaris of Ro-Sotau.

Left doorjamb:

The good Ruler like Re, who lives on Truth every day, King of Upper and Lower Egypt Neb-Kheperu-Re, Son of the Sun, beloved by him, Lord of Diadems Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South, beloved of Osiris, Ruler of Eternity.

The good Ruler, Re is in his members, King of Upper and Lower Egypt, Neb-Kheperu-Re, bodily Son of the Sun, Lord of Diadems Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South, beloved of Osiris the Great God.

Right wing:

Above the King and the Goddess Truth:

Osiris, King Neb-Kheperu-Re, living forever, Osiris, Son of the Sun Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South.

Words spoken by Truth, daughter of Re:

Be before Horus, Re of the Horizon, thou art his son, beloved by him, Osiris, King, Lord of the Two Lands Neb-Kheperu-Re, justified before the Great God, Ruler of Eternity.

The King and the Goddess of Truth ... drawing by Mark Hasselriis

Between the King and the Goddess:

Presentation to Re by his mother Truth.

Above the standing figure of Horus, Re of the Horizon:

Words spoken of Horus, Re of the Horizon:

Welcome, thou comest in peace my beloved son, Lord of the Two Lands, beloved by Re. I make thy seat in the Necropolis to be as that of one of the Gods, the Lords of the Netherworld.

Left wing:

Above the standing figure of Osiris:

Words spoken by the Lord of Eternity:

I grant thee to be a loving God at my side, every day, like thy father Horus, the son of Isis, Osiris Unen-nefer, the Great God, Lord of the Holy Land, grants all life, all health like that of Re, every day, to his son that he may be vigorous and live like Re, eternally.

The King before Osiris, the God of Eternity ... drawing by Mark Hasselriis

Behind Osiris:

Protection and life are behind him: he is in the protection of the members.

Between the offering table and Osiris:

Refreshment, wine, milk.

Above the King and Isis:

Osiris, King, Lord of the Two Lands Neb-Kheperu-Re, Osiris, Son of the Sun Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South living forever.

Words spoken by Isis the Great, the Divine Mother:

Thou art my son, from my body, my beloved one, Lord of the Two Lands Neb-Kheperu-Re, the justified one, before the Great Ennead who are in the Netherworld.

Between the King and Isis:

I establish thee in front of thy father Unen-nefer, eternally.

Left panel



Words spoken by the Great Ennead who are in the Netherworld:

Thou shalt be as a God, living like one of those noble spirits who are at the site of Horus of the Horizon in the Fields of the blessed, Osiris, King Neb-Kheperu-Re, Son of the Sun Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South, beloved of Osiris Unen-nefer.


Words spoken by Nut, the Great, the Brilliant One, residing in the Henu Castle:

This is my son Osiris, King, Lord of the Two Lands Neb-Kheperu-Re, bodily Son of the Sun Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South, lives forever and ever.

Words spoken by Isis the Great:

I have come to be thy protection, Osiris, King, Lord of the Two Lands, bodily Son of the Sun Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South, living forever and ever.


The King, the Egg of Re, Lord of the Two Lands Neb-Kheperu-Re, image of Re, will appear like Re in heaven, every day, living forever and ever.

The panel forms three registers. In the center stands a large mummiform figure of the king, his head, and feet encircled by two serpents biting their tails. The serpent around the head is called Mehen, the Enveloper. Right and left of the head of the figure is an enigmatic inscription repeated twice:

He Who hides the Hours.

Another double inscription in the circle formed by the serpent about the legs cannot be deciphered. A disk containing a ram-headed bird with a pair of human arms raised in adoration is placed in the middle of the body of the central figure. From the disk issues a rope that stretches to the left, above the heads of seven Gods who occupy the middle register behind the central figure.

Above the upper register to the right of the figure in the center is a text which reads:

The Good God, Lord of the Two Lands, Neb-Kheperu-Re, bodily Son of the Sun, beloved by him, Lord of Diadems Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South, beloved by the Great Ennead who are in the Netherland. This is what he has done at a monument for his father Horus of the Horizon - it was to represent what is in the Netherworld; the birth of Re and the entering of the God in the Netherworld.

First Register (right):

Words spoken:

I am Re in is manifestations, when he began to rule what he had created.

Who is he?

Re in the beginning when he ruled what he had created. This Re began to appear as king of what he created when the Lifter-up the sky of Shu did not yet exist and he was on the Hill of Hermopolis. It was then that the children of the Weak One were delivered over to him, as Gods who are in Hermopolis.

I am the Great God who created himself.

Who is he?

The Great God who created himself is the water - it is the Abyss, the Father of the Gods.

Others say:

It is Re who created his name - the Lord of the Ennead.

Who is he?

It is Re when he created his names out of his members.

The balance of the register is occupied by two groups:

First group:

Eight divinities with an enigmatic text above them:

The Gods are like this in their caverns, which are in the Netherworld. Their bodies are in darkness.

The names of the eight Gods in enigmatic writing (from left to right):

The Upreared One.


Terrible One.

Fat Face.

Turned Face.

The One Belonging to the Cobra.

He in the Netherworld.

The Mysterious One.

The exterior left panel ... drawing by Mark Hasselriis

Second group

The head of a ram on a pole called the Head of Re, is adorned by two Goddesses, Isis and Nephthys. Above the representation is an enigmatic text:

They are like this: the Disk begins its birth.

Second Register

The text of the Book of the Dead is inscribed in three horizontal lines:

O you who seize the hearts, who tear out the hearts, who create the heart of a man out of his deeds without his being aware of what you are doing. Salutation to you, Lords of Eternity, who establish everlastingness, do not seize the heart of Osiris, King Neb-Kheperu-Re, in his years of this his heart which is in him. Create not a heart which speaks wicked words. For this his heart is the heart of He whose names of Great, the Great God who speaks through his members, he who has sent his heart out of his body.

To the right of this text are seven groups of enigmatic representations composed of the sign of the feather the disk, walking feet, the forepart of the beetle, the arm, and the sign of the West. The first six groups are placed above seven zigzag lines, The last above six zigzag lines. The meaning of these groups is obscure.

Third Register

In the Third Register are ten lines of text from the Book of the Dead and two groups of figures. The text reads:

Words spoken by King Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South:

Salutations to thee, Bull of the West!

Says Thoth to the King of Eternity:

I am the God of the side of the barge. I have fought for thee, I am one of these Gods of the Council who justify Osiris against his enemies on the day of Judgement. I belong to thy subjects, I have fought for thee, I have been sent in thy name, O Osiris. Osiris is justified against his enemies on that day of Judgement in the Great Hall of the Prince who is in Heliopolis. I am enduring in Busiris, conceived in Busiris, born in Busiris. I am with the crew of Re.

First group of eight Gods:

Above the group of eight Gods is the following information:

These Gods are like this in their caverns which are in the Place of Annihilation. Their bodies are in complete darkness when Re passes by, and their souls are behind his disk. His rays penetrate into their cavern.

The first four Gods (left to right) are mummiform; they have, respectively, the head of a jackal, the head of a hawk, the head of a ram, and a human head. The second four are in a walking position with beetle-shaped chests; they have the same heads as the first four, and in the same sequence. The names of the eight Gods:


He of the Divine Image.

Red Face.

Exalted Earth.

The One Who Becomes.

Horus of the Becoming.


He of the Becoming.

Second group:

Between the two adoring Goddesses, She who Adores and the Mysterious One, stands a pole, the Neck of Re, terminating in a jackal's head. above the pole is a disk containing a ram-headed bird with human arms raised in adoration. Rays descend from the disk on the head of the jackal in the pole, with two lines of inscriptions on both sides:


They are behind thee.


Thou livest like Re, every day.

First Register (left)

In the first register, behind the central figure, are a short text and seven Goddesses standing upright in shrines. The text reads:

Words spoken by the Great and Small Ennead:

We protect the King, Lord of the Two Lands Neb-Kheperu-Re, Son of the Sun. Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South, living forever like his father Re in his forms.

Above the representation of the seven Goddesses is an enigmatic text:

They are like this in their coffins. They see the rays of the Disk, their souls go in the following of the Great God.

The names of the Goddesses:

The One of the Netherworld.

The Mysterious One.

The One of the Cavern.

The One of the Coffin.

She who combs.

The One of the Water.

The Weaver.

Second Register

In the second register are ten columns of a text which comes from The Book of the Dead. Seven Gods with raised arms moving toward the disk on the body of the central figure. The text reads from right to left:

Words to be spoken:

Back, thou messenger of any God! Hast thou come for this heart of Osiris, King Neb-Kheperu-Re of the living ones? This his heart of the living will not be given to thee, to thee who movest about, who obeyest the Gods of the offerings, when they fall on their faces, who traversest other lands. Come out today from the house of God on hearing the voice of She, the Great One, who serves at the Gate of the South, she who received the glory of her father the honor of the Bull . . . .

She has received that from among those who follow her in the great occasion

Above the seven Gods with uplifted arms is an enigmatic text:

These Gods are like this: they receive the rays of the Disk when it lights up the bodies of those of the Netherworld. When he passes by, they enter into darkness.

The names of the Gods (right to left):

The Adorer.

Receiving Arm.

Arm of Light.

Brilliant One.

The One of the Rays.

Arm of Dawn.

The last God has no name.

Third Register

In the third register are a group of figures and nine columns of text containing text from the Book of the Dead.

These Gods are like this in the cavern which is in the Place of Annihilation. Re calls the bodies of the inhabitants of the Netherworld when he enters into this cavern. The Disk of Re moves around in it. Those who are in it jubilate when they hear his voice, they breathe after he has called them.

Between two standing mummiform Gods, Annihilating Arm and Killing Arm, are two coffins in the folds of a serpent with a human head and arm, called the One of the Head. The mummiform God in the upper coffin wears a White Crown of the South and is called Osiris. The bearded God below has no name. To the right of the serpent is a mound containing an arm, four hands, and the forepart of a ram emerging from the ground.

The text of a portion of the Book of the Dead reads:

The Heart of Osiris, King Neb-Kheperu-Re is his in the house of hearts. His Heart is his in the house of hearts. He has the heart he is satisfied with, unless he eats of the cakes of Osiris on the Western side of the country of sweet-smelling plants. A Huhet-barge is going upstream, another one is going downstream. Osiris. King Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South, will not descend into the Huhet-barge in which thou art. Thou hast thy mouth to speak with, thy legs to walk with, thy two arms to overthrow thy enemies. The two arms of the temple upon earth are open. Geb, the Prince, throws open his members. He opens thy two eyes.

Rear Panel


Above, to the right:

Live, Osiris, King, Lord of the Two Lands Neb-Kheperu-Re, beloved of the Ennead of the Netherworld.

Above, to the left:

Live, Osiris, King, Lord of Diadems, Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South, beloved of the Ennead.


King of Upper and Lower Egypt, Neb-Kheperu-Re, bodily Son of the Sun Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South, justified before the Gods, the Lords of the Sky.


Words spoken by Horus of the Horizon:

I appear on the horizon to give light for thee with my rays, King of Upper and Lower Egypt, Lord of the Two Lands, Neb-Kheperu-Re, to whom life is given forever and ever.

Words spoken by Atum when going to rest in life in the Western Horizon of Heaven:

Thou livest like Re every day, bodily Son of the Sun, beloved by him, Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South, to whom life is given like Re forever and ever.

On the panel:


Words spoken by Isis:

I have come to be thy protection thou art my son, my beloved Horus, I have taken away the veil over thee, made by him who acted against thee. Mayest thou lift thy head to see Re, to stand on thy feet, to walk about in the forms thou likest, to move as before. Thou hast power over the bread, thou hast power over the water, thou hast power over the wind, thou hast power over all things beautiful and clean, Osiris, Lord of the Two Lands, Neb-Kheperu-Re. Thou seest with thy eyes, thou hearest with thy ears. Thy heart is thing, of thy real being, it is stable on its face forever and ever. It will not be ravished by the wicked who seize hearts, who ravish hearts in the Necropolis, thou art a justified one before Unen-nefer.


Words spoken by Nephthys:

I have come to protect thee from behind, my brother Osiris, King, Lord of the Two Lands Neb-Kheperu-Re. I have established thy head on thy neck, Anubis has gathered for thee thy bones, he has made thy members healthy, he has removed all evil, he has caused thy sorrow to depart. Thou shalt not decay! Horus has opened thy mouth with this chisel of copper with which the mouth of the Gods is being opened. Thou speakest before Horus, Lord of Mankind, in the Castle of the Prince the Great One in Heliopolis. Horus has opened the mouth of Osiris, King Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South, with the instrument of Anubis, the adze of copper, and thou speakest before the Great Ennead of Gods. They jubilate for thee every day as they jubilate for Osiris. Horus has opened thy eyes that thou mayest see with them, Horus has made thy steps firm that thou mayest go about on earth as thou wert in thy forms of life, Osiris, King, Lord of the Two Lands Neb-Kheperu-Re, the justified one.

Right Panel



The Good God who came out of Re, Nobel Egg of Atum, who lives on Truth every day, King of Upper and Lower Egypt, Lord of the Two Lands Neb-Kheperu-Re, chosen by Re, bodily Son of the Sun, beloved by him, Lord of Diadems Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South, beloved by Osiris Unen-nefer, this God, Lord of Ro-Setau.


The King, Son of the Sun, King of Upper and Lower Egypt, Lord of the Two Lands Neb-Kheperu-Re, chosen by Re, will be a ruler forever and ever.


King of Upper and Lower Egypt, Lord of the Two Lands Neb-Kheperu-Re, bodily Son of the Sun, beloved by him Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South, beloved of the Gods, Lords of the Netherworld.

On the panel

To the left is a truncated oval formed by four pairs of arms, two rising out of the ground and two descending from the sky. The arms support two disks which appear as two ram-headed birds with human arms raised in adoration. Between the two pairs of arms, above and below, are two bull heads and, standing between the horns, two Goddesses with raised arms; below, between the two bulls, in the coils of a serpent emerging from the ground, is a bent arm. Another serpent rears its head and its tail right and left of the two bull heads. Above a figure of Osiris is placed upside down under a canopy formed by the body of a serpent, which rears its head and tail right and left of the two bull heads. The central part of the oval is occupied by an inscription:

Osiris, King, Lord of the Two Lands Neb-Kheperu-Re, will be justified together with the Great Ennead

Below this inscription are three groups, each composed of a star, two walking legs, an arm, and a feather. The meaning of these groups of signs remains obscure. Below are five lines of enigmatic inscription.

The two pairs of arms are called:

The Two Supporters.

Between the horns of the bulls below:


The arm in the coils of the serpent:

Shoulder of Re.

The rest of the panel forms three registers with three groups of divinities in the first and third registers, and two groups in the second register.

First Register (left to right)

First Group of Divinities:

The first group is composed of six standing mummiform male figures. A soul-bird, perched upon a stand formed of four lines, is before each of them. Above the head of each bird is the sign of walking legs. A huge cobra to the left belches fire against the brow of the first mummiform figure. The second and third figures receive a flow of fire from a star placed above the head of the figure in front. The four stars to the right are bound together by a flow of fire.

Above the representation an enigmatic inscription:

These Gods are like this: The rays of Re enter their bodies. He calls their souls. It is indeed they who enter after the souls.

The names of the divinities:

The cobra: The Rearer

First figure: He of the Netherworld.

Second figure: The Praiser.

Third figure: The Opener.

Fourth figure: Fine Stuff.

Fifth figure. The Incomplete One.

Sixth figure: the Weak One.

Exterior right panel ... drawing by Mark Hasselriis

Second group:

This group of figures is preceded by two columns of enigmatic script:

These Gods are like this: their Heads...

A sitting cat, its hind legs hidden underground, faces six beheaded mummiform figures, from whose necks issue four lines indicating fire. This flow of fire supports an overturned disk with legs. The feel of the first two figures are hidden underground.The severed heads with stars above them, placed on disks, are before the figures. The disks are joined by the three lines of five to six other smaller disks laced on the back of a serpent below the representation.

The names of the figures:

The cat: . . .

Above the first head: Head of Horus.

Above the second head: Face of Horus.

Above the third head: Neck of Horus.

Above the fourth head: Throat of Horus.

Above the fifth Head: I

Above the sixth Head: The Gory One.

Third group:

Six mummiform figures, slightly inclined backward, stand on serpents, each of which carries a lamp on its head. Before the face of each figure is a disk with three lines, representing fire, which enters the brows of the figures. Under each disk is a pair of walking legs and a star. Above the representations is an enigmatic text:

These Gods are like this...

The names of the six figures:


. . . .

. . . .

. . . .

. . . .

Nehep Haut Re.

Behind each serpent is placed its name:

Mehen, the Enveloper.

At the end of the register are two columns of an inscription:

Thou wilt be among the Ennead of Gods, thou wilt not be distinguished from any of them, Osiris, King Neb-Kheperu-Re, the justified one.

Second Register

First group:

A bearded figure reclining on the ground lifts an arm toward the ram-headed bird in the disk to the left. From the soles of the figure rises a serpent surrounded by nine lines representing fire. A disk on two legs surmounts the lines. behind the figures are four lion-headed divinities with rounded ears, the arms of each hidden in a short cloak. The first belches fire against the disk with legs; each of the others belches fire against the neck of the preceding figure. Above the reclining figure is a mast between four disks and four pairs of walking legs; before each of the lion-headed figures is a boat, two legs walking backward, and the sign of the earth. Above the group is an enigmatic inscription:

These Gods are like this: the rays of Re Penetrate their bodies, they praise when they see his soul. Then he calls to their souls. They are behind his souls.

Second group:

A figure reclining on the ground similar to the one at the beginning of the register, belches fire against a disk. Under the disk are a pair of reversed legs, the sign of the earth, and a mast. Behind the reclining figure is a serpent coming out of the ground, surrounded by seven lines indicating fire. Above stands a disk with walking legs. The first of a group of six lion-headed divinities with pointed ears belches fire against it; each of the others belches fire against the neck of the preceding figure. A mast between four disks and four pairs of walking legs is placed above the reclining figure. A boar, two legs walking backward, the sign of earth, and an arm are placed before each lion-headed divinity. Above these representations is an enigmatic text:

These Gods are like this: the rays of Re penetrate their bodies. They praise when they see his soul . . .

At the end of the resister is an inscription of six columns:

The King, Lord of the Two Lands Neb-Kheperu-Re, will appear like his father Re in heaven and upon earth in his forms of rising and setting. The bodily Son of the Sun, beloved by him, Lord of Diadems Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South, is in his forms when he is upon earth. He lives like Re eternally - King of Upper and Lower Egypt, Neb-Kheperu-Re lives forever and ever.

Third Register

First group:

A cobra faces six standing Osiris figures. Before each Osiris figure. Before each Osiris is a mast surrounded by a star. Above the star is a disk out of which emerge the head of a lion facing left and that of a cobra facing right. The lion head belches fire against the head of the cobra. The streams of fire from the heads of the cobras on the disks reach the heads of the lions and form a kind of canopy over the heads of the Osiris figures. The fire coming from the last cobra falls to the ground behind the last figure of Osiris Above this group is an enigmatic test:

These Gods are like this: the rays of Re . . .

When he calls their souls, they pass . . .

The names of the divinities:

The cobra: The Rearer.

First Osiris: Duaty.

Second Osiris . . . .

Third Osiris . . . .

Fourth Osiris. . . .

Fifth Osiris: Hidden Arm

Sixth Osiris: Swathed Arm.

Second group:

A lion, his hind legs hidden underground, faces six ram-headed mummiform figures; each has the sign of walking legs above the horns. Before each figure is a disk with a star above and these rays reaching to the ground. At the bottom is a serpent with six disks placed on its back. Above the lion is an enigmatic inscription:

These Gods are like this: they pour on what is hidden . . .

. . . they see.

The names of the Gods:

The lion: . . . .

The first ram-headed God: Uplifted Head.

The second ram-headed God: Uplifted Face.

The third ram-headed God: Uplifted . . . .

The fourth ram-headed God: Uplifted Forms.

The fifth ram-headed God: Uplifted Shadow.

The sixth ram-headed God: Uplifted Plan.

Behind the sixth ram-headed figure is short text:

King of Upper and Lower Egypt, Lord of the Two Lands Neb-Kheperu-Re, to whom life is given like to Re eternally.

Third group:

Six standing women belch fire upward toward disks and pour fire or water from their hands on the heads of serpents which rise from the ground. On the body of each woman are a star and disk. Before each woman are an arm and two legs. Above this group is an enigmatic text:

These goddesses are like this: . . . .

The names of the divinities:

First Goddess: She who adores.

Second Goddess: She who lights up.

Third Goddess: . . . .

Fourth Goddess: . . . .

Fifth Goddess: . . . .

Sixth Goddess: . . . .

Before each serpent rising from the ground is written:

Evil Face.


This concludes the review of the inscriptions concerning Shrine II of Tut-Ankh-Amon.

Pavilion of the Sed-fest ... drawing by Mark Hasselriis



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