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'The Shrines of Tut-Ankh-Amon - Part 7

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I think I shall split the description of the shrines into several parts. Until I get into the blogs, I cannot tell how long they will be. I put a lot of detail into them, and I can only hope the information will be helpful. Please keep in mind this is transcribed with the religious interpretation of the ancient Egyptians in mind, and you will see several similarities to the Bible if you are familiar with those texts. The shrines are a small part of Natacha Rambova's history post-Rudy. This blog post will cover the interior of Shrine IV.

Shrine IV ... drawing by Mark Hasselriis

Shrine IV is the smallest shrine of which, according to its inscriptions was (for the Egyptians) the first shrine. It is shaped like the prehistoric Palace of the North of Lower Egypt. The barrel-vaulted roof is built against two vertical boards with the winged solar disk on the outside.

The Palace Of The North ... drawing by Mark Hasselriis

On the ceiling is depicted the Goddess of the sky, Nut, who spreads her wings over the deceased, and on the left stand two winged figures of Horus. Under their feet are three signs of gold and, still lower down, two jackals of Anubis reclining on pylons with an inscription between them.

The ceiling Goddess, Nut; two winged figures of Horus standing on three signs of gold and two jackals of Anubis reclining on pylons ... drawing by Mark Hasselriis

On the inside of the doors are two winged figures of Isis and Nephthys standing on the sign of gold.

The Goddess Isis and The Goddess Nephthys standing on the sign of gold

On the walls of the shrine is inscribed a portion of the Book of the Dead. The text begins on the back wall, continues on the right, and ends on the left wall. Outside. on the roof are represented two Udja-eyes above pylon-shaped buildings; kneeling figures of Isis, Nephthys, Selkit, and Neith on the sign of gold with the sign of infinity under their hands; two jackals of Anubis reclining on two pylons; and finally, two vultures enclosing the sign of infinity with their wings. One has the head of a snake, the other that of a bird. On the door and on the back panel Isis and Nephthys protect the shrine with their wings. On the side panels, between two figures of Thoth who supports the sky, we see Imesty, Anubis, Dua-mutef, and Geb (left) and Hapy, Anubis, Kebeh-senuf, and Horus (right). Above the figure of Hapy are two Udja-eyes.

Sign of gold (left) and sign of infinity (right) ... drawing by Mark Hasselriis


Above the head of Nut:

Words spoken by Osiris, King Neb-Kheper-Re, the justified one:

Mother Nut, spread thy wings over me, encircle me with thy arms in health and in life that I may be inside thee, that thou mayest be my protection! I am thy son, Osiris, King Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South the justified one.


Above and behind the Horus God:

Horus, the Protector of his Father Osiris, Lord of Eternity. Re spreads his arms in protection and life over his beloved son Osiris.

In front of him:

King Neb-Kheperu-Re, Uadjet, Lady of the sky.

Below the wing the words are written:

I shall be thy protection, that thy members be complete, like Re, while thou livest forever and everlastingly.


Above and behind the Horus God:

Horus, He at the head of the Sanctuary, the Great God, Lord of the Sky. He grants protection, life, and health ... like Re forever.

In front of him:

Osiris, Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South, Neith, Lady of the Sky, mistress of all the Gods.

Below the wing:

They will be protecting the members of Osiris, King Neb-Kheperu-Re, the justified one, as they are a protection of Osiris, Lord of Eternity.

Underneath the three figures:


Anubis Imyut, the Great God, he in his chest, Lord of the Holy Land,


Words spoken by the Great Ennead in the Region of Silence:

We are united to be the protection of the coffin of Osiris, King, Lord of the Two Lands Neb-Kheperu-Re, that he may make his transformations like Re, that he may come out whenever his name is called to receive the gifts in the course of every day.


Anubis, He who presides over the Divine Booth, Lord of the Holy Land, the Great God.

Front Panel With Doors


Above (right and left)

Behdety, the Great God

Right doorjamb:

Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South, father Re in his Barge of Million Years has made all necessary things for Horus on his throne for eternity, like Re, every day.

Left doorjamb:

Thou appearest with Re in the sky, thou art powerful with Geb on earth, Osiris, King Neb-Kheperu-Re, the justified one before the Great God, Lord of the Sky.

On the doors:

Right wing:

Words spoken by Nephthys:

I have come to be with thee as the protection of thy head. My arms are on thee in life to lift thy head that it may not decay. Thy enemies are under thy feet, thy head is established forever and ever, Osiris, King Neb-Kheper-Re, the justified one. Thou are prosperous with Re in the sky, powerful with Geb on earth, the hearts of the Gods rejoice for thee as they do for the majesty of this noble God when he sails on high, every day. Osiris, King Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South, the justified one, overthrows the enemies of Re for him in the course of every day. He is indeed alone with him in the barge when sailing in the sky forever.

Left wing:

Words spoken by Isis:

I have come, I am behind my brother Osiris, King, Lord of the Two Lands Neb-Kheperu-Re, the justified one. Be not weary, these thy members shall not be tired, thy heart is firm, thy members flourish. Arise, stand on thy legs, come out whenever thou desirest, make thy transformations as thou wishest, as thy father Horus of the Horizon has awakened thee on thy place at morn that thou receivest the offerings and the refreshment before the Great God. he in his Horizon. thou art at the head of the Great Ennead, Son of the Sun Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South, the justified one, prosperous and strong before the Great God, Lord of the Holy Land. Thou art adored as a God thou livest forever and everlastingly, like thy father Re, every day.

Right, left, and rear walls

Partial text of The Book of the Dead

It comes forth by day, of making all the transformations one likes to be transformed into, every day. The words of the Lord of Humanity came to pass: I am Atum when alone, I am Re in his first manifestations, I am Re in his first manifestations upon earth, when being alone I am Re in his manifestations when he began to rule what he made.

Who is he?

Re in his manifestations when he began to rule what he had created - he is Re when he began to appear as King of what he made, when the Lifted-up, the sky, of Who did not yet exist, and had not yet come into being, while he was on the Hill of Hermopolis. It was then that the children of the Weak One were delivered over to him, as Gods who are in Hermopolis. I am the Great God who created himself.

Who is he?

The Great God who created himself is the Watery Abyss, the Father of Gods.

Others Say:

It is Re who created his names - the Gods of the Ennead.

Who is he?

It is Re who created his names, the Lord of the Ennead - the names of his members became these Gods who are in his following. One who is not repulsed among the Gods.

Who is he?

It is Atum who is in his disk.

Others say:

It is Re when he comes out of the Eastern Horizon. I am yesterday, I know tomorrow, As to yesterday - this is Osiris. As to the morrow - this is Re on the day when the enemies of the Lord of All were annihilated, and his son Horus was made a ruler. It is the day of We shall remain. This is the day when the burial of Osiris was honored by his father Re, according to the decree made against the souls of the enemies. According to the decree of Osiris, Lord of the Western Necropolis.

The Lions Of Yesterday & Tomorrow ... drawing by Mark Hasselriis

Others say:

It is the West to which every God descends, and fights against him in it. I know the God who is in it.

Who is he?

It is Osiris.

Others say:

His name is Exultation of Re, it is the Soul of Re to which he united himself. I am the Great Phoenix which is in Heliopolis, the Reckoner of what exists.

The Great Phoenix ... drawing by Mark Hasselriis

Who is he?

It is Osiris. What exists? - this is his filth.

Others say:

As to eternity - it is the day. As to everlastingness - it is the night. I am Min when he comes out. I have placed my two plumes on my head.

Who is he?

As to Min, it is Horus who protected his father when he came out. It is the coming of Isis and Nephthys when they placed themselves at his head as the two Djerty-birds. And indeed they remained on his head.

The two Djerty-birds ... drawing by Mark Hasselriis

Others say:

It is the two mighty and great cobras on the brow of the father Atum.

Others say:

It is his two eyes which are lacking in his head. I am upon earth, I have come from the city.

Who is this?

It is the horizon of the father Atum. The evil is removed, the bad is done away with.

Who is he?

The cutting of the navel cord, the removal of all the evil.

Words to be spoken:

Who is he?

I am born, I purify myself in the two great and mighty lakes in Heracleopolis on the day of the Great offering of men to the Great God who resides therein.

What is this?

Million is the name of one, Ocean is the name of the other. It is the lake of Natron, and the lake of Mamt. Others say: Leader of Millions is the name of one. Ocean is the name of the other. As to the Great God who resides therein, it is Re himself. I go on the way I know opposite the lake of the just.

What is this?

It is Ro-Setau, the Southern Gate of Nareref, the Northern Gate of the Mound of Osiris. As to the Land of the Just, it is Abydos.

Others say:

It is the road on which walks the father Atum when going to the Fields of the Blessed, which creates the food of Gods who stand behind their shrine. As to this holy gate, it is the gate of the Lifted-up sky of Shu.

Others say:

It is the gate of the Netherworld. It is the gate through which passes the father Atum toward the Eastern Horizon of Heaven. O, you in front, give me your arms, I have become one of you.

What is this?

It is the blood which flowed from the phallus of Re when he undertook to mutilate himself. Then it became these Gods who are in front of Re: Mind and Will. They are every day in the following of the father Atum. I have made full the Udja-eye after it had been mutilated on the day of the fight of the two companions.

The Udja-eye ... drawing by Mark Hasselriis

What is this?

It is the day on which Horus fought with Seth, when he threw dirt in the face of Horus, when Horus seized the testicles of Seth. It was Thoth indeed who made this with his fingers. I lifted the hair from the Udja-eye when it was angry.

What is this?

It is the right eye of Re when it became furious against him after he had sent it out. It was Thoth, indeed, who lifted the hair from it, after having brought it back alive, complete and in health without any harm done to it.

Others say::

It was the eye which became sick when it cried over the second one. Then Thoth arose and spat on it. I am Re being born yesterday from the buttocks of the cow Great Flood. It is the Udja-eye of Re. When he is complete, complete is Osiris King Neb-Kheperu-Re, Son of the Sun Tut-Ankh-Amon, the justified one!

The Great Flood ... drawing by Mark Hasselriis

What is this?

These are the floods of heaven.

Others say:

It is the image of the Eye of Re when he appears in the morning to be born, every day. As to the cow Great Flood. It is the Udja-eye of Re, every day. For I am one of those who are in the following of Horus, the first speaker, beloved of his Lord.

Who is it?

It is Imesty, Hapy, Dua-mutef, and Kebeh-senuf. Salutation to you, Lords of Eternity, Council behind Osiris, who slaughter the evil ones, who are in the following of the Goddess. She is content when she protects. Behold I come before you that you may expel all the evil in me, as you did for these spirits in the following of Sepa, for whom Anubis prepared their seats on this day of Come then, in it.

The Four Sons Of Horus ... drawing by Mark Hasselriis

Who is it?

As to the Lords of Truth, it is Seth and Isdes, Lord of the West. As to the Council behind Osiris it is Imesty, Hapy, Dua-mutef, and Kebeh-senuf who are behind the Leg ... which is in the Northern Sky. As to those who slaughter the evil ones, who are in the following of She is content when she protects, it is Sebek in the waters. As to She is content when she protects, it is the Eye of Re.

Others say:

It is the flame in the following of Osiris when it kills the souls of the enemies. As to all my evil doing it is what a man has done since he came out of the womb. Osiris, King, Lord of the Two Lands, Neb-Kheperu-Re. As to these spirits, they are Imesty, Hapy, Dua-mutef, Kebeh-senuf, He who sees his Father, He under the Olive Tree, Horus with the Two Eyes, This placing of them by Anubis is their placing as a protection of the burial of Osiris.

The Seven Spirits ... drawing by Mark Hasselriis

Others say:

Behind the embalming chamber of Osiris. As to these spirits, they are Nedjehdjeh, the Sleeper, The Bull, He to whom the flame was not given, he who presides over his heat, He who comes to the God.

Words to be spoken: this is what Osiris spoke to Re:

Come then to me, I have seen thee - He turned him away from the West. I am His Two Souls in his Twins. His Two Souls in his Twins - it is Horus the Protector of his Father together with Horus, He of the Two Eyes.

The Souls Of Re and Osiris ... drawing by Mark Hasselriis

Others say:

His Two Souls in his Twins - it is the Soul of Re, it is the Soul of Osiris; it is the Soul in Shu, the soul in Tefnut, the two Souls which are in Mendes. I am this Cat who cleft asunder the Ished-tree which was near him in Heliopolis on this night of the Fight, and of keeping watch, on this day in which the enemies of the Lord of All were repulsed.

Who is it?

This Great Cat is Re himself, according to this saying of the word Cat, when the God Mind said: How like him is what he does. Then his name Cat came into being.

The Cat and The Ished-tree ... drawing by Mark Hasselriis

Others say:

It was Shu who made the Testament of Geb for Osiris. As to the splitting asunder of the Ished-tree in Heliopolis, it was the children of the Feeble One who made an offering of what they had done. As to this night of fight, it is that they entered the East of Heaven, then there was a fight in the sky, and the whole earth.

Re on his Horizon ... drawing by Mark Hasseriis

O, Re in his egg, who shines in his disk, who appears on his horizon who swims on his copper firmament, he who has not his second among the Gods, who travels on the Lifted One of Shu, which is the sky, who makes wind with the hot breath of his mouth, who makes brilliant the two banks with his rays - may thou save Osiris, King, Neb-Kheperu-Re, Son of the Sun, Tut-Ankh-Amon, living forever, from this God, whose forms are mysterious, whose two eyebrows are the scale beams on that night of reckoning the evildoers!

Who is it?

It is He who brings his Arm. As to the night of reckoning of the evildoers, it is the night of the fire for the overthrown ones, it is the binding of the evil ones to the slaughtering block which slashes the souls.

Who is it?

It is the God Vinepress, it is ... of Isis.

Others say:

It is Horus. He has two heads, one carrying Truth, the other Sin. He gives Sin to him who acts sinfully, Truth to him who carries Truth.

Others say:

It is Horus the Great of Letopolis.

Others say:

It is Thoth.

Others say:

It is Nefertem, the son of Sekhmet, it is the Council who repulse the enemies of the Lord of All Mayest thou save King Neb-Kheperu-Re, the justified one, from those polluted ones. the slaughters with sharp fingers, the sick ones, who massacre amongst the followers of Osiris - that they may not take hold of them. May King Tut-Ankh-Amon, the justified one, not fall into their caldrons.

Nefertem, son of Sekhmet ... drawing by Mark Hasselriis

Who is it?

It is Anubis, it is Horus with the Two Eyes.

Others say:

It is the Council who repulse the enemies of the Lord of All.

Others say:

It is the physician of the court. May their knives not have power over Osiris, King Neb-Kheperu-Re, the justified one. May he not fall into their caldrons. For he knows them, he knows their names, he knows this He who hits a Mark, who is amongst them, the one of the house of Osiris, whose eyes give light without being seen, who encircles the sky with the fire of his mouth, who announces the high Nile without being seen. I am complete upon earth before Re, I come to a fair landing before Osiris. Your offering will not include Osiris, the King Tut-Ankh-Amon, the justified one, you who belong to those above their braziers, for he is in the following of the Lord of All, he belongs to the writing of forms. I fly as a hawk, I chatter as a goose, I sweep away eternity like Neheb-Kau.

Who are these?

Those above their braziers - it is the image of the Eye of Re, together with the image of the Eye of Horus. O Re-Atum, Lord of the Great Palace, king of all the Gods, save thou the King, Lord of the Two Lands Neb-Kheperu-Re, from the arm of this God, whose face is that of a dog, whose eyebrows are those of men.

Others say:

Whose skin is like that of men. Who lives on the fallen ones, guardian of the winding border of the Island of Fire, who swallows corpses, who tears out the hearts, who throws dirt without being seen.

Who is it?

The Swallower of Millions - is his name, he is in the lake of Wen. As to the Lake of Fire, it is between Neref and Shenit - everyone who sets foot on it should beware to fall under the knives.

Others say:

Baba is his name. He is the guardian of the winding of the Lake of the West.

Others say:

Hery Sepef is his name. O Lord of Fear, Chief of the Two Lands, Lord of the Red, he who prospers by the slaughtering block, who lives on the intestines!

Who is it?

It is the heart of Osiris which causes all massacre, to whom was given the Crown of the North, all joy in Heracleopolis.

Who is it?

He to who was given the Crown of the North and joy in Heracleopolis is Osiris, the King, Lord of the Two Lands Neb-Kheperu-Re, who lives being complete like Re.


This will conclude the first of two parts in describing Shrine IV. I'd like to clarify some of the meaning behind a few of the terms used. I know it will be confusing for those who are just jumping into this series, and the only advice I can give you is to go back to the beginning of the 'Shrines of Tut-Ankh-Amon' series and start from there.

Before I go into those terms, though, I did come across a photo of King Tut's mummified remains as he was found in 1926.

King Tut as he was found by Howard Carter in 1926. Here he lays on a bed of sand just before he was returned to his sarcophagus where he still lies today in his tomb in Luxor, Egypt. His two mummified infant daughters are in the Museum in Giza.

At the beginning of this blog post, Seth is referenced. On the right and the left of Shrine IV are depicted two winged figures of Horus standing below the ceiling Goddess Nut on the sign of gold. This was to symbolize the victory over the evil principle .. which is Seth "the one from the City of gold," Ombus. The Infinity sign symbolizes "all that is encircled by the Sun. The cartouches which are inscribed with the names of the king are elongated signs.

The initial plea of every deceased individual goes to Nut, the sky Goddess, that she may watch over the deceased and the proceedings during embalming and death. It was initially applied to Osiris, who was vindicated at the tribunal at Heliopolis.

Udajet, the Lady of the Sky, is the Goddess of Lower Egypt ... one of the cobras. Neith is another sky Goddess (later identified by the Greeks as Athena) and is another of the cobras.

The Divine Booth is where Anubis prepared the body of Osiris.

The Gods of the Heliopolis were grouped into two Enneads ... the Great and the Small.

The children of the Weak One ... this is a designation for the forces of evil.

The two Djerty-birds, the two Kites, are the usual designation of Isis and Nephthys as mourners for Osiris.

In Ro-Setau, The Southern Gate of Nareref and the Northern Gate of the Mound of Osiris are different places in the Netherworld.

The Gods Mind and Will are also known as the Gods Hu and Sia, who stand in the solar barge.

The reference to the Council behind Osiris which are Imesty, Hapy, Dua-mutef, and Kebeh-senuf who are behind the leg is the Great Bear ... the constellation of stars.

Sebek is the Crocodile God.

In one belief, Shu (the air) separated the earth God Geb from the sky Goddess Nut by lifting her above his head.

In another belief, It is the One who mutilated Osiris. Others say: It is Apopis when he had one head which carried Truth after Sin was given away.

Mark is a Goddess who is the daughter of Re.

The next blog post about the shrines will be the final part of the Shrine IV description.



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