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'The Shrines of Tut-Ankh-Amon' - Part 8

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We now continue with the final part of Shrine IV



Above (right and left):

He of Behdet, the Great God.

Right Doorjamb:

Words spoken by Isis the Great:

I have come to be the protection of my brother, Osiris, King Neb-Kheperu-Re, the justified one, I take care of him in the course of every day. The enemy of Re is the overthrown, he lies forever!

Words spoken by Nephthys:

I am behind thee, my brother Osiris, King Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South, the justified one. Thou shalt be justified, prosperous in heaven, powerful upon earth! Thou makest all the transformations thou likest!

Left Doorjamb:

Words Spoken by Geb, Prince of the Noble Gods:

Thy heart is alive, my son Osiris, King Neb-Kheperu-Re, the justified one, by the sweet wind of the North which comes out of the nose of Atum, thou livest through it! Words spoken by Nut, the Great, the Brilliant One: Lift thyself on thy right side, my son Osiris, King Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South, the justified one, stand up, and come out! Make all the transformations thou likest, thou livest forever!


Right wing:

Words Spoken by Osiris, King Neb-Kheperu-Re, the justified one.

Salutation to thee, Bull of the West! Says Thoth to the King of Eternity: I am the God of the side of the barge. I have fought for thee. I am one of those Gods of the Council who have justified Osiris against his enemies on the day of Judgment. I belong to thy subjects, O Osiris, I am one of these Gods born of Nut, who kill the enemies of Osiris, who keep away the rebels from him. I belong to thy subjects, I have fought for thee, I have been sent in thy name. I am Thoth who justifies Osiris against his enemies on this day of Judgment in the Great Hall of the Prince who is in Heliopolis. I am enduring in Busiris, conceived in Busiris, born in Busiris.

Left Wing:

Words spoken by Osiris, King Neb-Kheperu-Re, the justified one:

I am with the mourners for Osiris, with those who grieve in the town of Rekhty. I have justified Osiris against his enemies. So I Say: Thoth has caused me to be with Horus on the day of dressing the Teshtesh-figures when the holes are being opened to wash Weary Heart, the mystery of Mysteries in Ro-Setau. I am together with Horus when protecting this left shoulder of Osiris which is in Letopolis. I come out and enter in a flame on the day when the rebels are being repulsed in Letopolis. I am together with Horus on the day a feast is made for Osiris, when offering is presented on the sixth day of the Deni-feast in Heliopolis.




Words spoken by Nut, the Great, the Brilliant One residing in the Henu Castle:

Heir of the Ruler of the West, this Horus born of Isis! The Great Ennead place their arms behind thee to protect thee, Osiris, King, Lord of the Two Lands Neb-Kheperu-Re, living forever.


Words spoken by Osiris, King-Neb-Kheperu-Re:

O this noble God great of fear who lives on Truth, every day, grant that my spirit be with thee in the place of Truth, I am the one at the head of the crew of Re when he sails on high.


King, Lord of the Two Lands Neb-Kheperu-Re, Son of the Sun Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South, will appear like Re in the sky, every day.

PANEL (right to left):

Words spoken by Thoth, Lord of the Divine Words:

Re lives, the tortoise is dead! Complete is the one in the coffin, Osiris, Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South, justified against his enemies in the Council which is in the Netherworld, which is in the sky. He is in the following of Re, he enters and comes out with him, every day.

Thoth, Lord of the Divine Words (First Guardian) ... drawing by Mark Hasselriis

Words spoken by Imesty:

I am Imesty, the son of Osiris. I have come to be the protection of Osiris, Lord of the Two Lands Neb-Kheperu-Re, the justified one. Thy house is made prosperous and stable, stable as Ptah has decreed, as Re himself has decreed. King Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South, combs the hair of Osiris, he purifies his effluence.

Imesty ... drawing by Mark Hasselriis

Words spoken by Anubis Imyut:

Come down, mother Nut. Come remove the cover over me placed by the hand of him who acted against me. I am Anubis Imyut, he over the mysteries in the Holy Place. I have come to be the protection of Osiris, King Neb-Kheperu-Re, the justified one in the sky before Horus of the Horizon. The protection of Re in the sky is his protection, the protection of Osiris on earth is the protection of King Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South.

Anubis-Imyut ... drawing by Mark Hasselriis

Words spoken by Dua-mutef:

I am Dua-mutet. I am thy son, thy beloved one, O Horus! I have come to protect my father Osiris, King Neb-Kheperu-Re, against the one who caused him damage. I have come, I have placed him under thy feet for eternity, Isis protects her son Horus, Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South, from his enemies, from those who enact all evil things, all wrongs against him. They will perish. He is the adversary for their arms, for their hands. I am Osiris, the great one of the Gods, the heir Neb-Kheperu-Re!

Dua-mutef ... drawing by Mark Hasselriss

Words spoken by Geb, Father of the Gods:

I have come, I protect my son, Osiris, King Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South, when he comes out by day, taking the forms he likes to take. He is not hindered at any gate of the West when entering or coming out. He has power over the Gods of the Netherworld, they do not repulse him. These Gods are serving him, they know him. He will be with them as one among them when he enters and goes out through the mysterious gates.

Geb ... drawing by Mark Hasselriis

Words spoken by Thoth, Lord of the Divine Words:

Re lives, the tortoise is dead, the fiends are in their hole! His flesh is Kebeh-senuf, as it should be. King Neb-Kheperu-Re smote the rebels, he joined Horus on the day when he protected his father Osiris from the evildoers. King, Lord of Diadems Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South, appears as a justified one before the Ennead.

Thoth, Lord of the Divine Words (2nd guardian) ... drawing by Mark Hasselriis


Inscriptions above and to the right:

Words spoken by Isis:

Thou art my beloved son Horus. I take care of thee in the morning as I do for thy father Osiris -- Son of the Sun Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South. Thou flourishest as he flourishes, living forever.

Inscription above and to the left:

Words spoken by Nephthys:

I have come, I guard my brother Osiris, King, Lord of the Two Lands Neb-Kheperu-Re, I have repulsed thy enemies -- they are under my feet. Live forever and for eternity.

Inscription of Isis:

Words spoken by Isis:

Come then in thy forms: beautiful is the crown on thy head, thy dignity is in the members, thou hast taken the crook and the flail like Horus when assuming the White Crown. All the Gods, the spirits and the dead fear thee as they fear Re when he goes to rest in the Western Mountain and takes the forms of Atum -- Osiris, King, Lord of the Two Lands Neb-Kheperu-Re, Son of the Sun Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South, the justified one!

Inscription of Nephthys:

Words spoken by Nephthys:

I salute thee, arise! thou livest, thou shalt not decay, thy body shall not perish! Thy soul is for the sky before Re, thy body is for the earth before Osiris. Thy soul rests on thy body every day. Thou hast been called by name, thou hast been found -- Osiris, King, Lord of the Two Lands Neb-Kheperu-Re - justified before Osiris, the Great God, Lord of the Holy Land.




Words spoken by Geb, Prince of all the Gods:

Lift up thy head, mayest thou see the disk, mayest thou follow it in the Barge of Million Years and be with it. Thou art not repulsed, Osiris King Neb-Kheperu-Re, justified before the God Lord of the Holy Land!


The King, Lord of the Two Lands Neb-Kheperu-Re, Son of the Sun Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South, will live forever like Re!


Words Spoken by Osiris, King Neb-Kheperu-Re:

Salutation to you, Gods, Lords of the Netherworld, who give bread and beer to the spirits. I am one of you, prosperous with you powerful with you. Offerings are made for me and food from the grain of the Field of Peace.

PANEL (left to right):

Words spoken by Thoth, Vicar of Re, when he appears:

Re is complete when going to rest in the West! His son, King Neb-Kheperu-Re, is united to him. He has overthrown the Apopis serpent on this difficult bank. Grant that King Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South, may live forever, when the barge of Re is sailing to rest in the horizon of the West. Re is complete, the protection of Re is the protection of King Neb-Kheperu-Re, living forever!

Words spoken by Hapy:

I am Hapy, I have come to be a protection, thy head is attached to thy members. I have smitten thy enemies under thee. I have given thee the day! Osiris, King Neb-Kheperu-Re knows this Great God who is in Ro-Setau, he knows the names of the Gods who are with him. He comes into being with you, he enters as you enter, he comes out, as you come out.

Words spoken by Anubis, Chief of the Divine Booth:

Thou shalt not be weary, thy members shall not be tired, Osiris, King Neb-Kheperu-Re, the justified one. Thy members are made as the members of a God. Thou art his son Horus, his protector. The office of Unen-nefer is made for thee, the cakes of the Gods are established for thee, thou art made the companion of Horus on the day of the union with the earth. Thou hast placed the Barge of Sokaris on its stand on the morning of Going around the Walls.

Words spoken by Kebeh-senuf:

I am Kebeh-senuf, I have come to be thy protection. Thy bones are assembled for thee, thy members are put together, thy heart is brought to thee, it is put on its place in thy body, Thy house is made to prosper after thee, thou livest forever, Osiris, King Neb-Kheperu-Re, Son of the Sun Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South, he who has been justified against his enemies in the council of all the Gods, of all the Goddesses.

Words spoken by Horus, the Protector of his father:

I have come, I take care of thee, Osiris, King Neb-Kheperu-Re, I protect thee against him who caused thee damage. Thy enemies are overthrown under thy feet. I am thy beloved son Horus. Osiris, King Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South, justified by Horus, residing in Ro-Setau. He protects Osiris, King Neb-Kheperu-Re, living forever, as he protects his father Osiris!

Words spoken by Thoth, Lord of the Divine Words:

Re lives, his enemies are overthrown! He does what he should do, every day. He rests on his seat in the Evening Barge, his heart being glad in the Morning Barge. The crew of Re jubilate, while King Neb-Kheperu-Re is with Re in the sky while making the transformations of Re. King Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South, lives with his father in the sky forever, while making all the transformations he wants to be transformed into, like one of the Gods of the Netherworld.



Words spoken by Osiris, King, Lord of the Two Lands Neb-Kheperu-Re, the justified one.

Mother Nut, the Great, I am thy son Osiris, King Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South, may I be protected in thy embrace, may I not die a second time in the Necropolis, may I live forever!


Words spoken by all the Gods of the sky who are in the following of Atum:

In peace and in life! Mayest thou breathe the resin and the incense; mayest thou live on the pure bread on the altar of Re! For the Ka of King Neb-Kheperu-Re, the justified one.


Words spoken by all the Gods of the Netherworld:

May thy soul come out every day to make what she wishes, to receive gifts and food in the shape of pure cakes which come out before Osiris, Lord of Ro-Setau. For the Ka of King Neb-Kheperu-Re, the justified one.

RIGHT SIDE (inscriptions accompanying the figures):

Honored before Imesty, Osiris, Neb-Kheperu-Re.


Honored before Anubis-Imyut, Osiris, Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South.

Imyut, the Great God.

Honored before Dua-mutef, Osiris, Neb-Kheperu-Re

Neith, Divine Mother.

Honored before Geb, Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South.


LEFT SIDE (inscriptions accompanying the figures):

Honored before Hapy, Osiris, Neb-Kheperu-Re.


Honored before Anubis, He who presides over the Divine Booth, Lord of Diadems Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South.

He who presides over the Divine Booth.

Honored before Kebeh-senuf, Osiris, Neb-Kheperu-Re.


Honored before Horus, Osiris, Tut-Ankh-Amon, ruler of Heliopolis of the South.


The Roof ... drawing by Mark Hasselriis

(If you are particularly adventurous, you can 'read' the inscriptions on this roof. I find it quite fascinating and I am now am able to read other Egyptian hieroglyphs ... on a VERY basic level, of course, but it is a start! I can see how Natacha became enamored with this.)


By way of explanation for the exterior, the following may help when it comes to some of the references and terminology ...

The tortoise symbolizes the power of darkness. Two tortoises are a constellation.

When the plea is made for the mother Nut to 'come down, and remove the bandlets, this refers to the bandlets to be removed at the resurrection of the dead.

When the text refers to Horus possessing the crook and the flail, it alludes to the coronation of Horus as his father Osiris.

Unen-nefer is another way to refer to Osiris. The day of the union with the earth is another way of stating the burial. The barge of the God was placed on a sledge and dragged around the walls of the city. The dead were believed to have taken part in the festivities.

When the bones were assembled and the members put together, this refers to part of the process of mummification.

When referring to the one who caused damage, the reference is to Seth, who is evil 'from the city of gold.'

For the roof ... Ka means 'spirit' or 'genius'

This concludes the analysis of Shrine IV. Next, we will take a look at Shrine III.



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