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To members of Darkmum Dearest website

Hello ...

I am doing a little housekeeping on my website, today. I am asking for your help. I have cleaned out all the files of those who were showing as inactive in our group. This will increase our standing and reputation on the internet with no 'dead' files on record. Now, I need something from you.

Please send me, via the message application, an avatar you would like to use. I shall be setting up members' areas within the next day and this will be important. I don't want just the letters that are currently there for some members. I know most of you already have a photo on Facebook, so you can use that, or I will select a random photo for you and put one in your profile, if you like. The Wix system is woefully unimaginative!

Those of you who log in to Darkmum Dearest to read Darkmum's Musings already know that a password is required. This will now be required for everyone, but I'm not sure how it is all going to work for the members' areas. I'm still in the process of figuring it all out.

I have had to take these steps in order to stop the spam, and although I've been slowly instituting the changes over the past year, some spam still slipped through. I was able to catch it and remove it though.

I'll be posting the ways in which you can use the member's areas for your benefit. I am going to start out by making the members' areas public. Until there is more participation between members, I see no reason to make the areas private and will wait to see if requests come in from members for that benefit.

I hope to gain many new subscribers/members this next year. Please don't hesitate to invite your friends on other social media platforms. That is the best way we are going to get our little group to grow.

I'd like to give heart-felt thanks to those who have stuck with me and supported me. I know we are still small, but I feel that our blog at Darkmum Dearest (Darkmum's Musings) has some great content to offer. I try to mix it up so it has something for everybody. If there is ever a topic you would like to see me write about or research, please do not hesitate to contact me.

I'd like to give a special thank-you to Dallas Martin for his contributions as a Writer in the Darkmum's Musings blog.

Don't forget to send me those avatars unless you trust me to select one for you!


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